A and B are going from a and B at the same time. They meet at 5 o'clock. The speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. A is 60km per hour and ab is several km apart

A and B are going from a and B at the same time. They meet at 5 o'clock. The speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. A is 60km per hour and ab is several km apart

60 × 4 / 5 = 48 km / h
(60 + 48) × 5 = 540km

A and B start from a and B, which are 60km apart, and travel in the same direction. B is in the front and a is in the back. Suppose that a travels more than B by XKM per hour and YH later
To find the functional relationship between Y and X, there must be detailed steps. Steps! Why y = 60 / x? Steps! Online, etc!

If vehicle B runs Z kilometers per hour, vehicle a runs (Z + x) kilometers per hour;
Distance taken by car a = distance taken by car B + 60

Car a and car B leave from a and B at the same time. Car a travels 50 kilometers per hour and car B 60 kilometers per hour. After 4 hours, the two cars travel 80% of the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

(50 + 60) × 4 / 80%, = 110 × 4 / 0.8, = 440 / 0.8, = 550 (km); answer: A and B are 550 km apart

There is a road between a and B. Li Ming starts from a and walks to B, while Zhang Ping starts from B and rides a motorcycle to A. After 80 minutes, the two meet on the way. Zhang Ping turns back to B immediately after arriving at a, and after 20 minutes after the first meeting, Zhang Ping catches up with Li Ming on the way. Zhang Ping turns back to a immediately after arriving at B, and so on How many times did Zhang Ping catch up with Li Ming when he reached the second place?

Let's draw a line diagram as follows: suppose Li Ming walks x kilometers from the first meeting to the first time Zhang Ping catches up with Li Ming, then Zhang Ping walks: X (80 △ 20) × 2 + x = 9x (kilometers) in the same time, that is, Zhang Ping's speed is 9x △ x = 9 (Times) of Li Ming's speed in the same time

Three fast, medium and slow cars start from place a to place B at the same time. Along the same road, there is a motorcyclist
Fast, medium and slow three vehicles set out from place a to place B at the same time. Along the same road, a motorcyclist went from place B to place a. the motorcyclist met the three vehicles respectively after 6 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes. Now we know that the fast train travels 80 kilometers per hour, the medium train 40 kilometers per hour, and the slow train how many kilometers per hour?

Let the distance between a and B be x, the speed of the motorcycle be y, and the speed of the idle car be Z
X = y = Z (Note: 1 / 6 is obtained by converting minutes into hours) solve it by yourself

It takes 10 hours for Li Ming to go from place a to place B by motorcycle, and 15 hours for Zhang Shan to go from place B to place a by bike. Now the two people start from two places at the same time,
When Li Ming arrived at the second place, Zhang Shan was still 24 kilometers away from the first place. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

"15-10 = 5 hours
A: the distance between a and B is 62km

A. There is a highway between B and a. a starts from a and walks to B. B goes back and forth between a and B by motorcycle. If they start at the same time, they meet for the first time 80 minutes later. B overtakes a for the first time 100 minutes later. When a arrives at B, B overtakes a______ Times

The time ratio of a and B is (80 + 100): (100-80) = 180:20 = 9:1. Therefore, the speed ratio of a and B is (100-80): (80 + 100) = 20:180 = 1:9. That is to say, a takes a whole journey, B takes 9 whole journey. A takes a whole journey, B takes 9 whole journey, the first time is to meet, the second time is to catch up with So we met five times and caught up with four times

The average speed of the car to and from the two places is 48km and 80km respectively


What is the average speed of a car travelling from place a to place B at an average speed of 60 kilometers per hour and returning at an average speed of 80 kilometers per hour

If the distance between the two places is s, then
The total round trip distance is 2S
Time to go: S / 60
Return time: S / 80
Total round trip time: S / 60 + S / 80
Average round trip speed: 2S / (s / 60 + S / 80) = 2 * 60 * 80 / (60 + 80) = 480 / 7, about 68.6 km / h
The average round trip speed is 68.6 km / h

The road from a to B is 720 kilometers long. Two cars drive from two places at the same time. The speed of car D is 65 kilometers per hour, and that of car B is 75 kilometers per hour
The distance between the last two cars is 160 km, and the equations are solved

Let x hours be 160, then (65 + 75) * x = 720-160140x = 560, x = 4