The following statement is correct: a all rational numbers have reciprocal; B all fractions are rational; C all decimals are rational; d all integers are positive

The following statement is correct: a all rational numbers have reciprocal; B all fractions are rational; C all decimals are rational; d all integers are positive

Do you want to point out the mistakes
a: 0 is not countdown
c: Infinite acyclic decimal is irrational
d: If - 1 is a negative integer

There is no largest negative integer in a rational number. B. there is no largest positive integer in a rational number. C. The sum of two numbers with the same sign must be larger than the sum of addends. D. the sum of two numbers with different signs must be smaller than the sum of addends
The difference between the smaller number and the larger number must be () A. positive number B. negative number C. 0 D

The following statements are correct: (b) A. there is no largest negative integer in rational number, wrong, - 1B. There is no largest positive integer in rational number, for C. The sum of two numbers with the same sign must be larger than the sum of addends, wrong, negative number + negative number D. the sum of two numbers with different sign must be smaller than the sum of addends, wrong, no matter which addend to compare, - 3 + 1 = - 2, smaller than 1, but larger than - 3

Rational numbers, irrational numbers, positive numbers, positive integers, negative integers, negative numbers, negative integers, what are their definitions, concepts and differences

The numbers learned in junior high school are all real numbers. Real numbers are divided into rational numbers and irrational numbers. Rational numbers can be written in the form of scores, while irrational numbers can't be expressed in the form of scores. Rational numbers are learned in Grade 7, while irrational numbers will be exposed in Grade 8
Rational numbers can be divided into integers and fractions. Integers contain positive integers, 0 and negative integers, and fractions contain positive and negative fractions
Rational number can be divided into positive number, 0, negative number, positive number into positive integer and positive fraction, negative number into negative integer and negative fraction
Note the position of 0 in both categories
The concept of decimal only appears in primary school, which can be divided into finite decimal, infinite cyclic decimal and infinite non cyclic decimal. Both finite decimal and infinite cyclic decimal can be written in the form of fraction, so the form of decimal does not appear in junior high school; while infinite non cyclic decimal can not be written in the form of fraction, which is the irrational number learned in Grade 8, and the common one is pi
Natural number is a concept learned in primary school, which refers to those numbers that exist naturally and are easy to understand. From the perspective of junior high school, natural number is contained in integers and is composed of 0 and positive integers

Rational numbers include integers, fractions and zeros

Yeah, including it!

(1) ______ All integers, (2)______ (3)______ They are called rational numbers

(1) Integers include positive integers, zeros and negative integers; (2) fractions can be divided into positive fractions and negative fractions; (3) rational numbers can be divided into integers and fractions

Integers, 0 and fractions are called rational numbers, right?

Integers include 0, so integers and fractions are called rational numbers

(1) ______ All integers, (2)______ (3)______ They are called rational numbers

(1) Integers include positive integers, zeros and negative integers; (2) fractions can be divided into positive fractions and negative fractions; (3) rational numbers can be divided into integers and fractions

There are 10 rational numbers on the blackboard. Xiao Ming said "there are 6 positive numbers among them", Xiao Hong said "there are 6 integers among them", Xiao Hua said "the number of positive fractions is equal to the number of negative fractions", and Xiao Lin said "the number of negative fractions is no more than 3". Please judge the total number of these 10 rational numbers according to the narration of four students______ A negative integer

Because there are 6 positive numbers in 10 rational numbers, there are 4 negative numbers and 0. Because the number of negative numbers is not more than 3, there are 3 negative numbers, in which the negative fraction (10-6) △ 2 = 4 △ 2 = 2, and the negative integer is 3-2 = 1

In rational numbers. The number that is an integer but not a positive number is______ A number that is an integer and not a negative number is______ .

Zero is neither a positive number nor a negative number, so in rational numbers, the numbers that are integers but not positive numbers are (0 and negative integers); the numbers that are integers but not negative numbers are: (0 and positive integers)

1. In rational numbers, the numbers that are integers but not positive numbers are collectively referred to as (), and the numbers that are negative numbers but not fractions are collectively referred to as ()
2. The following numbers are known: negative 23, negative 3.14, quarter, negative two-thirds, five sixteenth, negative 0.1,2.8,38,0, + 1, in which there are () positive integers and () negative fractions

There are (2) positive integers and (1) negative fractions