Given the line AB = 8cm, there is a point C on the line AB, and BC = 4cm, and the point m is the midpoint of the line AC, find the length of the line am

Given the line AB = 8cm, there is a point C on the line AB, and BC = 4cm, and the point m is the midpoint of the line AC, find the length of the line am

(1) When point C is on line AB, as shown in figure (1): AC = ab-bc = 8-4 = 4 (CM), ∵ m is the midpoint of AC, ∵ am = AC = × 4 = 2 (CM). (2) when point C is on the extension line of line AB, as shown in figure (2): AC = AB + BC = 8 + 4 = 12 (CM) ∵ m is the midpoint of AC, ∵ am = AC = × 12 = 6 (CM), in conclusion, the length of line am is 2cm or 6cm

Given that the line AB = 8cm, there is a point C on the line AB, and AC = 4, M is the midpoint of the line BC, find the length of the line BM

And ∵ C is the midpoint of CB
[welcome to ask, thank you for adopting!]

Given the coordinates of four vertices a (0,0), B (2,0), C (2,2), D (0,2) of square ABCD, find the coordinates of square ABCD on two straight lines
The area above y = x and the line y = - x + a (expressed by the algebraic expression of a)