The density of salt water is 1.1g/cm3. In order to test whether the prepared salt water meets the requirements, 500ml salt water sample is taken, and its mass is 0.6kg. Please analyze whether such salt water meets the requirements. If not, how much salt or water should be added per 500ml of the original salt water?

The density of salt water is 1.1g/cm3. In order to test whether the prepared salt water meets the requirements, 500ml salt water sample is taken, and its mass is 0.6kg. Please analyze whether such salt water meets the requirements. If not, how much salt or water should be added per 500ml of the original salt water?

600g / 500ml = 1.2g/cm3, unqualified, water should be added
Let the density of water = 1 and ignore the volume change of solution
X = 500 g

How many grams of water do you need to add to the 500 cubic centimeter brine with a density of 1.2 grams per cubic centimeter and a current density of 1.3 grams per cubic centimeter?

1. First of all, calculate the mass of 500 cubic centimeter 1.3 g salt water per cubic centimeter, M = 500 × 1.3 = 650g, so add 650-550 = 100g salt in the salt water; 2. From the data obtained in the above question, we know that the salt water density is 1.3 g per cubic centimeter, so we should add water, let's add x ml water, then the total product (500 + x), the total mass

The density of brine is 1.05 g / cm3, the volume of brine is 400 cm3, and the density of brine is 2.6 g / cm3
(the total volume of salt and water remains the same) 555 -- I don't know how to ask for it. Who can give me some advice

This is very easy,
Let's add x grams of water
Then 520 + X is the mass after adding water,
Because water has a density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter,
So x grams of water have X cubic centimeters,
So the total volume is 400 + X cubic centimeters,
Then 520 + X divided by 400 + x = 1.2
You can solve the equation