For a 100 cubic centimeter aluminum block (ρ = 2.7 × 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter), half of it is immersed in water. What is the buoyancy it receives What is wrong with multiplying the density of aluminum block by G and then multiplying the volume of aluminum block

For a 100 cubic centimeter aluminum block (ρ = 2.7 × 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter), half of it is immersed in water. What is the buoyancy it receives What is wrong with multiplying the density of aluminum block by G and then multiplying the volume of aluminum block

Because only half of the aluminum block is immersed in water, it should be multiplied by half of the volume of the aluminum block and the density of the water

The volume of aluminum is 0.002 cubic meters. When half of its volume is immersed in water, what is the buoyancy of aluminum? What is the buoyancy of aluminum immersed in kerosene

F floating = P water GV drainage
= the third power of 1x10 kg / m3 x10n / kgx0.001 M3
F floating = P oil Gy discharge
= 0.8x10 cubic kg / m3 x10n / kgx0.001 M3

The volume of 0.1 cubic decimeter, density of 2000 kg per cubic meter of objects immersed in water, buoyancy is, half of them immersed in alcohol, buoyancy is
When an object with a volume of 0.1 cubic decimeter and a density of 2000 kg / m3 is immersed in water, its buoyancy is, if half of it is immersed in alcohol, its buoyancy is

When an object with a volume of 0.1 cubic decimeter and a density of 2000 kg / m3 is immersed in water, the buoyancy is f = PGV = 1000 * 10 * 0.1 * 10 ^ (- 3) = 1n,
If half of it is immersed in alcohol, the buoyancy is f = p'gv '= 800 * 10 * 0.05 * 10 ^ (- 3) = 0.4N