What's the difference between Boolean algebra operation and logic algebra operation? Can you list some formulas?

What's the difference between Boolean algebra operation and logic algebra operation? Can you list some formulas?

Logic algebra or Boolean algebra. Although it also uses letters to represent variables as ordinary algebra, the values of variables are only "1" and "0". The so-called logic "1" and logic "0" represent two opposite logical states. In logic algebra, there are only three basic operations: logical multiplication (and operation), logical addition (or operation) and inversion (non operation)
In fact, I will learn it in digital logic, and it will be involved in other courses, as well as probability theory
1. Logic plus
Logical expression: F = a + B
Operation rules: 0 + 0 = 0,0 + 1 = 1,1 + 0 = 1,1 + 1 = 1
2. Logical multiplication
Logical expression: F = a · B
Operation rules: 0.0 = 0,0.1 = 0,1.0 = 0,1.1 = 1
3. Logical inversion
Logical expression:
Operation rules:
_ _
4. And non
Logical expression:
Operation rules: omitted
5. Or not
Logical expression:
Operation rules: omitted
6. And or not
Logical expression:
Operation rules: omitted
7. XOR
Logical expression:
_ _
Operation rules: omitted
8. XOR
Logical expression:
Operation rules: omitted
(1) Commutative law: a + B = B + A, a · B = B · a
(2) Law of association: a + (B + C) = (a + b) + C
(3) Distribution law: a · (B + C) = AB + AC (multiply add distribution),
A + (BC) = (a + b) (a + C) (plus multiplication assignment)
(4) The absorption law is a + AB = a
(5) 0-1 Law: a + 1 = 1
(6) Complementary law:
(7) Overlapping Law: a + a = a
(8) Law of involution:
A = A
(9) Inversion Law:
___ _ _
____ _ _
That's all. I'm tired of typesetting. I can't align the non symbol with the letter. Excuse me

What is the most basic operation of Boolean algebra
1. What is the most basic operation of Boolean algebra?
2. What are the representation methods of Boolean algebra?
3. What is Karnaugh map?
4. Advantages and disadvantages of Karnaugh map simplification and formula simplification?
What is combinational logic circuit? What is combinational logic analysis? What are the general steps?
6. What are the scale composition logic components in the standard?
7. What are the basic characteristics of bistable flip flops?
8. What are the characteristics of sequential circuits? What are the general steps of synchronous sequential circuit analysis?
9. What are the general steps of sequential logic circuit design?
10. What are the important tools for the analysis and design of synchronous sequential circuits?

1. What is the most basic operation of Boolean algebra?
Answer: and, or, not operation
2. What are the representation methods of Boolean algebra?
A: Boolean algebra is represented by logic algebra, truth table, logic diagram, Karnaugh diagram, waveform diagram, dot matrix diagram and hardware design language
3. What is Karnaugh map?
A: Karnaugh map is a graphic representation of a logic function. Karnaugh map of a logic function is to fill the minimum terms in the expression of the minimum terms of the function into a square graph, This grid graph is called Karnaugh map. The construction characteristics of Karnaugh map make Karnaugh map have an important property: it can find out the adjacent minimum terms intuitively from the graph. Two adjacent minimum terms can be merged into an and term and a variable can be eliminated
4. Advantages and disadvantages of Karnaugh map simplification and formula simplification?
A: Karnaugh map simplification is easy to get the simplest and or formula, simple and clear, which overcomes some shortcomings of algebraic simplification. But it can not guarantee to get the most simplified solution. Formula method can simplify any logic function theoretically, but it does not have certain steps and specifications, needs to remember a lot of formulas, has strong skill, and has a certain trial and error, all depends on the familiarity and flexible application of formulas
What is combinational logic circuit? What is combinational logic analysis? What are the general steps?
A: combinational logic circuit means that at any time, the output state is only determined by the combination of the input states at the same time, and has nothing to do with the previous state of the circuit, and has nothing to do with the state of other times. Combinational logic analysis is to find out the logical relationship between the input and output variables in the circuit according to the known logic diagram, and determine what kind of input value combination the corresponding output is logic
The analysis of combinational logic circuit is divided into the following steps: 1. Read the given logic circuit diagram
2、 Lists logical function expressions
3、 The simplest logic function expression is obtained by simplification, and the truth table is listed
4、 Logic function is summarized by truth table and logic expression
5、 See if the original circuit is the most ideal, if not, improve it
6. What are the scale composition logic components in the standard?
A: including adder, encoder, decoder, data selector, data distributor and parity checker
7. What are the basic characteristics of bistable flip flops?
A: there are three basic characteristics
1、 There are two complementary outputs;
2、 There are two stable states;
3、 Under the action of input signal, it can change from one stable state to another
8. What are the characteristics of sequential circuits? What are the general steps of synchronous sequential circuit analysis?
A: sequential logic circuit has two characteristics
1、 The composition of sequential logic circuit -- combinational logic circuit and storage circuit (with memory function, memorizing the past input of the circuit);
2、 The state of the storage circuit (called the state of the sequential circuit, which can be represented by the state variable, which is determined by the past input value) is fed back to the input of the combinational logic circuit, and together with the external input signal, determines the output of the combinational logic circuit
General steps of synchronous sequential circuit analysis
1、 According to the given sequential logic circuit diagram, the output equation and excitation equation are written out,
2、 According to the characteristic equation of the trigger, the sub state equation and the state transition table are established,
3、 Make state table and state diagram,
4、 Use time chart or text to describe sequential circuit and logic function
9. What are the general steps of sequential logic circuit design?
A: first, the logic is abstract, and the original state transition table or state transition diagram is established according to the design requirements,
2、 Simplify state
3、 Allocation status and status coding
4、 Choose the type of resolver, and find out the excitation equation, output equation and sub state equation of the circuit
10. What are the important tools for the analysis and design of synchronous sequential circuits?
Answer: the important tool of analysis is to use the basic formula of logic function for logic operation and logic simplification

If the triangle ABC is known, we can find out a point O by drawing with ruler, so that the line OA = ob = OC
Is it the angular bisector of the three sides, high or middle or vertical bisector

Vertical bisector

As shown in the figure, if the line segments a and B are known, make an isosceles triangle, so that the height is a and the waist length is B (a > b, draw with ruler and gauge, and keep the trace)
Key picture

1) Draw any line segment L
2) Make the vertical bisector of L and the perpendicular is e
3) Make EA = a with a compass
4) Draw a circle with a as the center and B as the radius, and intersect with the straight line of line segment l at points B and C
Delta ABC is the triangle

Given the line segment C and angle α, use ruler to make triangle ABC, such that ab = C, AC = 2C and angle a = angle α

1. Let ∠ man = α,
2. Intercept AB = C on am,
3. Intercept AC = 2C on an,
4. Connect BC,
Then Δ ABC is the required value

Given the line segment a and the angle a, find the triangle ABC so that ab = AC = A and the angle a = angle A
The method is: 1. Angle man = angle________
2. Intercept AB on ray am and an respectively=_______ ,AC=___________ ;
3. Connection________ Then the triangle ABC is the triangle

It can be seen that the angle α is the angle between AB and AC
1) First, use a compass ruler to make ∠ a = ∠ α
2) Let the two ends of line segment l be e and F, and take a point o on EF (because AB + AC = l > BC = m). If EO = AB, then of = AC
3) Cut AB = EO and AC = of on both sides of ∠α
4) Connect BC
5) Delta ABC is the triangle
Please take the answer and support me

It is known that the angle L and the line segment a are solved as: triangle ABC, so that the triangle AB = a, the angle B = 2L, and the angle a = L

The method is as follows: 1,
2、 Take a as vertex and ab as side, make angle mAb = angle L,
3、 Take B as vertex, Ba as side, make angle MBA = 2 angle L,
Am and BN intersect at a point C
What ABC requires is a triangle

Given the line segments a, B and angle a, find the triangle ABC so that BC equals a, AB equals B and angle B equals 2 angles a

Methods: 1. Make angle MBN = 2 angle A,
2. Intercept Ba = a on ray BM,
B C = B is intercepted on the ray BN,
3. Linking AC,
Then the triangle ABC is the triangle

In the RT triangle ABC, ∠ C = 90 degrees, ∠ a = 30 degrees, the known points a (- C, 0), B (C, 0)
Find: (1) the coordinate of point C
(2) The area of RT triangle

Take the midpoint o of AB as the origin, AB as the x-axis, establish a rectangular coordinate system, cross point C as the CE vertical x-axis, CF vertical y-axis, because, in the right triangle ABC, O is the midpoint of the hypotenuse AB, so, CO = Ao = Bo, and because the angle a = 30, so, the angle B = 60 °, so, the triangle cob is an equilateral triangle, so, the angle cob = 60 in the equilateral triangle cob

In the RT triangle ABC, the angle c = 90 degrees, a + B = 7, C = 5, find the area of the triangle ABC, find the big God help
As above

The square of (a + b) is 49, the square of (a + b) is 49, the square of (a + b) is 25, the two formulas are met, 2Ab = 24, ab = 12, a = 7-B, B (7-B) = 12, when B = 3 or B = 4, B = 3, a = 4, area is 6, when B = 4, a = 3, area is 6