Simple operation of 5 / 12-1 / 6 + 2 / 3 Simple operation of 3 / 4 + 4 / 9-3 / 4 + 4 / 9

Simple operation of 5 / 12-1 / 6 + 2 / 3 Simple operation of 3 / 4 + 4 / 9-3 / 4 + 4 / 9

=(3/4-3/4)+(4/9+4/9)…… Exchange position. Add and subtract the same denominator

250 * 16-48048 / 24 what can be calculated simply should be calculated simply


Simplify 1 + 2sin290 ° · cos430 ° sin250 ° + cos790 °

∵ sin70 ° > cos70 °, that is, sin70 ° - cos70 ° > 0, the original formula = 1 − 2sin70 ° cos70 °− sin70 ° + cos70 ° = (sin70 ° − cos70 °) 2 − sin70 ° + cos70 ° = - sin70 ° − cos70 ° sin70 ° - cos70 ° = - 1

The ratio is 7.5:1 / 2, the simplification ratio is 1.25:5 / 8250g: 2 / 5kg, and the solution ratio is X: 24 / 7 = 0.875:1

The ratio is 7.5:1 / 2 = 7.5 × 2 = 15
The reduction ratio is 1.25:5 / 8 = 5 / 4:5 / 8 = 2:1
250 g: 2 / 5 kg = 250:400 = 5:8
Solution ratio X: 24 / 7 = 0.875:5



We must use simple calculation

= 134*34+134*23+134*54+0.66*2900

The calculation method is simple and convenient


Half + two-thirds + three-quarters + four fifths + five sixths is for less


24 times three quarters is bigger than 24 who is 40 divided by 2:50 times one in two who is 38 times one in four who is 42 divided by one in half who is bigger

24 big 50, 42 big

(six and a half minus three and a quarter) \ (thirteen plus eleven and a fifth)

(six and a half minus three and a quarter) \ (thirteen plus eleven and a fifth)
=2 and 3 / 4 △ 24 and 1 / 5
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