Solving 5x + 4 = 7x + 8

Solving 5x + 4 = 7x + 8

Divide both sides by - 2 to get:

How to calculate 8.5-0.5x = 6.5?
solve equations


How to calculate that 5 out of 6 plus 1 equals 2 out of 7?

Double six on both sides
5x + 1 = 12 / 7
5x = 12 / 7-1
5x = 5 / 7
X = 5 / 7 △ 5
X = 1 / 7

The problem of exponential function
The whole formula should be 2 * (9 ^ x) - 5 * (6 ^ x) + 3 * (4 ^ x) = 0

Let 2 ^ x = A and 3 ^ x = B
The equation becomes
Ψ B = a or 2B = 3A
When B = a, 2 ^ x = 3 ^ x, then x = 0
When 2B = 3A. 2 * 3 ^ x = 3 * 2 ^ x, then x = 1

X = 0 or x = 1

Given the equation 2x (a + 1) - 1 = 3ax + 3, find out under what circumstances a and X are both positive integers

That is, x = 4 / 2-a
Because they are all positive integers, 2-A = 1 or 4
Because a is a positive integer, if a = 1, then x = 4

How to find constant over fixed point of exponential function, for example

Exponential function has a property, that is, when the index is 0, no matter how much the base is (greater than 0, not 1), its function value is 1
That is, y = a ^ x over the fixed point (0,1)
Here f (x) = a ^ (3-x) - 1
When the exponent 3-x = 0, that is, when x = 3, no matter what the value of a is, f (x) = 1-1 = 0,
So over the fixed point (3,0)

We know the equation 3ax = x (2a + 1) + 6 about X. when the integer a is a value, the solution of the equation is a positive integer

When a equals 2, the solution of X is a positive integer 6

If the exponential function f (x) = (2-A) ^ x is an increasing function in the domain of definition, then the value range of a is

Incrementing over R

X minus 28% x equals 32.24

Hello, Hanying wennuan for you, x-28% x = 32.240.72x = 32.24x = 32.24 △ 0.72x = 44.778. If you agree with my answer, please click the [adopt as satisfactory answer] button in time (or at the top right corner of the client evaluation point [satisfied]) your adoption is my driving force! Your adoption will also bring you

If the exponential function y = (3-A) ^ x is a decreasing function in the domain of definition, then the range of a is