A certain section of railway is made up of L-length rails one by one. When a train is moving at a constant speed, a passenger in the train needs to measure the speed of the train. He has measured that the time interval of N consecutive vibrations when the train passes through the rail joint is t, then the relationship V of the speed V is calculated=

A certain section of railway is made up of L-length rails one by one. When a train is moving at a constant speed, a passenger in the train needs to measure the speed of the train. He has measured that the time interval of N consecutive vibrations when the train passes through the rail joint is t, then the relationship V of the speed V is calculated=

This question is too false. In fact, it is impossible to measure the train speed in this way. But after all, the question is a very simple mathematical question. The answer is: v = (n-1) l / T

27. A certain section of railway is made up of L-length rails one by one. A train is moving at a constant speed, and a passenger in the train needs to measure the speed of the train

There were n consecutive vibrations, passing (n-1) tracks,
The length of each rail is l and the distance is (n-1) L
When the time interval is t, the formula v = (n-1) l / T is used to calculate the speed v

A railway is made up of L-length rails one by one. When a train is running at a constant speed, a passenger in the train should measure the speed of the train
He measured that the time interval between N consecutive vibrations of a train passing through a rail joint is t, then the formula v =?


Please tell me the reason. A certain section of railway is made up of tracks of length L one by one. A train is moving at a constant speed, and the train is running at a constant speed
A certain section of railway is made up of tracks of length L one by one. When a train is moving at a constant speed, a passenger in the train has to measure the speed of the train. He has measured that the time interval of N consecutive vibrations when the train passes through the rail joint is t, then the relationship of the speed V is calculated as v = ()


Why does the train take a step back before it starts

Usually, the hooks between the carriages of the train are very tight. If the train is started by direct traction, the traction force must overcome the maximum static friction between the whole train and the rail to start. When the locomotive starts, the traction force is too large and it is difficult to start, It's just to relax the hook between cars, start forward, start cars one by one, and it's much easier for locomotive to start

It takes 26 seconds for the train to pass through a 256 meter long tunnel (i.e. from the front entrance to the rear exit). At this time, it takes 16 seconds for the train to pass through a 96 meter long tunnel. Find the length of the train

Suppose the length of the train is x meters, from the meaning of the question: 256 + X 26 = 96 + x 16, the solution is: x = 160, answer: the length of the train is 160 meters

It takes 25 seconds for a train to pass through a 250 meter tunnel (i.e. from the front entrance to the rear exit). The train passes through a 138 meter long tunnel in 18 seconds. If the train keeps running at a constant speed, the length of the train can be calculated

When you see several such questions, use your mind more. Don't ask others all the time. I won't ask you any more

It takes 80 seconds for a train to pass a 204 meter bridge, and 72 seconds for a train to pass a 172 meter tunnel at the same speed?
And the conductor

Train speed:
=4 (M / s)
=14.4 km / h
=116 (m)
A: the speed of the train is 14.4 kilometers per hour and the length of the train is 116 meters

It takes 25 seconds for a train to pass a 250 meter long tunnel and 23 seconds to pass a 210 meter long tunnel. If the train is connected with another 150 meter long train with a speed of 72 km / h
How many seconds does it take for a train of 72 km / h to pass by

Vehicle speed = (250-210) / (25-23) = 20 m / s
Vehicle length = 20 × 25-250 = 250 (m)
72 km / h = 20 m / S
The time of passing by the wrong train = (150 + 250) / (20 + 20) = 10 (seconds)

It takes 80 seconds for a train to pass a 218 meter bridge and 72 seconds for a train to pass a 170 meter tunnel at the same speed. How many meters per second is the speed of this train?

= 6 m / S