Compare the size of the 2009 power in 2008 to the size of the 2008 power in 2009 Who's right?

Compare the size of the 2009 power in 2008 to the size of the 2008 power in 2009 Who's right?

So 2009 power of 2008>2008 power of 2009
Of course, you can also use logarithms.
I was afraid you didn't learn.

2009 Power of 2008 and 2008 power of 2009 size relationship I'm a middle schooler, xiexie. How to compare the third power of the third power of the fourth power? I hope you will answer enthusiastically, which is a small academic exchange! I don't know how to calculate the 2008 power of 2009 divided by the 2009 power of 2008. 2009 Power of 2008 and 2008 power of 2009 size relationship I'm a middle schooler, xiexie. How to compare the third power of the third power of the fourth? I hope you will answer enthusiastically, which is a small academic exchange! I don't know how to calculate the 2008 power of 2009 divided by the 2009 power of 2008.