Given the corresponding point position of rational number a, b on the number axis as shown in the figure, then a-b/ab0 ———┃—————————————┃————┃——————> B0a

Given the corresponding point position of rational number a, b on the number axis as shown in the figure, then a-b/ab0 ———┃—————————————┃————┃——————> B0a

I.e. b <0则a> b
A-b >0
And ab <0
So (a-b)/ab <0

The position of rational numbers a, b on the number axis is shown in the figure. Find:1-|a|,2|b-a|,3|a-b|-|b|-|a|. For the formula |a 1, when a takes what value He has a minimum. What's the minimum? For the expression 2-|a-2|, when a takes what value, he has the maximum value, what is the maximum value? ————. ———.—.———————— A0b

4: For the expression |a 1, when a=0, it has a minimum value, and the minimum value is 1.
5: For expression 2-|a-2|, when a=2, he has a maximum value, and the maximum value is 2