The position of rational numbers a, b and c on the number axis is as shown in the figure: ba0c [upper number axis] Then after simplifying the algebraic expression |a|-|a+b||c-a||b-c|, the result is A2-a B2a-2b C 2c-a Da I'm sorry that I ran out of money. B a0c [the graph should be like this ][ c farthest from point 0] The position of rational numbers a, b and c on the number axis is as shown in the figure: ba0c [one number axis above] Then after simplifying the algebraic expression |a|-|a+b||c-a||b-c|, the result is A2-a B2a-2b C 2c-a Da I'm sorry that I ran out of money. B a 0 c [graph should be like this ][ c farthest from point 0]

The position of rational numbers a, b and c on the number axis is as shown in the figure: ba0c [upper number axis] Then after simplifying the algebraic expression |a|-|a+b||c-a||b-c|, the result is A2-a B2a-2b C 2c-a Da I'm sorry that I ran out of money. B a0c [the graph should be like this ][ c farthest from point 0] The position of rational numbers a, b and c on the number axis is as shown in the figure: ba0c [one number axis above] Then after simplifying the algebraic expression |a|-|a+b||c-a||b-c|, the result is A2-a B2a-2b C 2c-a Da I'm sorry that I ran out of money. B a 0 c [graph should be like this ][ c farthest from point 0]

C is negative because A and B are negative, so |a|-|a+b||c-a||b-c=-A-[-(A+B)]+C-A+C-B=-A+A+B+C-A-B+C=2C-APS: When the number in the absolute value sign is a negative number, the absolute value sign will be written as its opposite number. When the number in the absolute value sign is positive or negative, the absolute value sign will be removed.

C is negative because A and B are negative, so |a|-|a+b||c-a||b-c=-A-[-(A+B)]+C-A+C-B=-A+A+B+C-A-B+C=2C-APS: When the number in the absolute value sign is a negative number, the absolute value sign is removed to write the number as its opposite number. When the number in the absolute value sign is positive and negative, the absolute value sign is removed.

The position of rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. Simplify |a+c||a-b||c-b|

The method is to judge the positive and negative conditions of a+c, a-b, c-b according to the number axis diagram, i.e., whether they are greater than 0 or less than 0. Then, according to the absolute value method, i.e., the absolute values of positive numbers are greater than 0, and the absolute values of negative numbers are less than 0. For example, when a+c >0,|a+c|=a+c; when a+c