The position of the rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. ············ B 0 c ····》 A > b a <0 b <0 c>0 The position of the rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. Try to simplify the sub-formula │a│-│a+b│+│c-a│+│b-c│ ············ B 0 c ····》 A > b a <0 b <0 c>0

The position of the rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. ············ B 0 c ····》 A > b a <0 b <0 c>0 The position of the rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. Try to simplify the sub-formula │a│-│a+b│+│c-a│+│b-c│ ············ B 0 c ····》 A > b a <0 b <0 c>0

By known a

The position of rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. If m=|a+b|-|b-1|-|a-c|-|1-c|, then the value of 100m is ______.