1. Find the derivative of the function y = x-ln x 2. Find the derivative of the function y = e to the power of 3x. Which brothers and sisters know how to help! I'm taking the make-up exam! But I'll take a step or two in the middle!

1. Find the derivative of the function y = x-ln x 2. Find the derivative of the function y = e to the power of 3x. Which brothers and sisters know how to help! I'm taking the make-up exam! But I'll take a step or two in the middle!

y'=(x-lnx)'=x'-(lnx)'=1- 1/x

Find the derivative of the function 1y = the square of root 1-x, 2 y = the cubic power of LN

1. Y = radical (1-x ^ 2)

(1) x = 1 - (T square), y = t - (t cubic); (2) x = ln (1 + T square), y = t-arctant

Find the second derivative of a function d? Y / DX? (1) x = 1-T?, y = T-T?; (2) x = ln (1 + T?), y = t-arctant
(2). dy/dx=(dy/dt)/(dx/dt)=[1-1/(1+t²)]/[2t/(1+t²)]=t²/2t=t/2.

Why are all zeros to the power of one

Because the 0 power of a is equal to the (N-N) power of a, and the (N-N) power of a is equal to the n-th power of a divided by the n-th power of a, the result is equal to 1. (a is not equal to 0). This is how the junior high school textbook was pushed. I remember very clearly

How to calculate the zero power of a number If it is 1, is this frequency 1, or is the answer to the formula 1

Whose power is 0 is 1

How to add the zeroth power of a number to the 100th power

If the number is a, the common ratio is a,
Then zero power is added to the 100th power and sum = 1 + [a (1-A ^ 100) / (1-A)]

What is the 0.25 power of any number?

A number to the power of 0.25 is the fourth root of this number

What's the minus power of a fraction? What about minus quadratic?

A: the negative power of the score is the reciprocal of the score
If (2 / 3) ^ (- 1) = 3 / 2, the negative first power of 2 / 3 is equal to 3 / 2
The negative quadratic is the square and then the reciprocal, such as 1 / 3 of the negative quadratic = 9
To the negative x power of a fraction, find the reciprocal first, and then the x power
Another example is the negative third power of 2 / 3, that is, the third power of 3 / 2. The result is (3 / 2) 3 = 27 / 8

How to calculate the negative fractional power of a number In which textbook, explain with examples Technical terms or propositions

First, the number is converted into the form of X molecule one, and then the converted number is processed by several powers
I hope you can make progress in your study and go to a higher level*^__ ^ *

How to calculate the fractional power of a number? For example, what is a ^ (1 / 3)?

A ^ (1 / 3) is the third root a
The fractional power of a number is equal to the power of the open denominator