How to calculate the nth power of a number For example: 4100 * n 6% ≈ 0, find what n is, if 4100 is replaced by other numbers

How to calculate the nth power of a number For example: 4100 * n 6% ≈ 0, find what n is, if 4100 is replaced by other numbers

Approximately equal to 0, which requires a criterion
For example, if the first six decimal places are 0, it can be regarded as approximately equal to 0, then it is 4100 * 0.06 ^ n

How to calculate the negative n power of 0? That is to say, what is the negative power of 0? What is it equal to? For example: what is the negative 2 power of 0? What about the negative 3 power? What about the negative n power? Another question to be added: Is the negative nth power of a positive integer equal to the nth power of the reciprocal of the positive integer?

0's negative nth power = 0's nth power. 0 is the denominator, so it's meaningless!
I'll explain to you why it doesn't make sense? In fact, you just need to make sure that 0 can't do divisor to understand this truth!
After learning micro polar division, after 0 is divisor, the value is a number tending to infinity. It can be larger than any number r, so this is meaningless!
Do you understand that?

The negative 2 power of [1 / 3] = several

【A】 The - B power of a means to change a into 1 / A and then to the B power of [1 / a]
The - 2 power of [1 / 3] is the second power of [3], which is 9
I hope I can help you~

Calculate: (minus 2 and 1 / 3) to the 100th power and (minus 3 / 7) to the 101th power Calculation: 1. (minus 2 and 1 / 3) to the 100th power and (minus 3 / 7) to the 101th power= 2. When a = - 1, the second power of a + A + the third power of a +. + the 2013 power of A= 3. If a and B are opposite numbers to each other, the 2nd power of x = 4. Find the 2nd power of X - 3A + ac-3b + (A / b) to the power of 2013=

3. What is AC?
Original formula = 4 + 0 + AC / x + (- 1) ^ 2013 = 3 + AC / X

Calculate the second power of (1) (- 3) * (negative half) of (2) (- 2) * (- 0.5) calculation: (1) (- 3) to the 2nd power * (minus half) to the 3rd power (2) The third power of (- 2) * the fourth power of (- 0.5)

-9/8 -0.5

How to calculate if the third power of (x-1) equals minus 27 / 8

(x-1)^3= (- 2/3)^3
x-1= -2/3
∴ x=1/3

What is the minus one power of 27? Please write down the process` It's better to write in detail

The negative power of a number is equal to its reciprocal

The third power of () is equal to the ninth power of minus 125th times X

The third power of (3 / 5x ^ 3) is equal to the ninth power of minus 125 times 27 times X

The third power of X is minus one in 27

According to the cubic sum formula, we can get (x + ⅓) (x? - x + 1 / 9) = 0 ∵ x ⅓ x + 1 / 9 = 0 ∵ x ⅓ x + 1 / 9 = 0 ∵ x ⅓ x + 1 / 9 = 0 ∵ x ⅓ x + 1 / 9 = (x-1 / 6) ⅓ + 1 / 12 > 0

What is the 2011 power of 0.125 and the 2010 power of 8?

Of course, the multiplication of the two should be equal to 0.125