How many millimeters is the negative 12th power of 9 * 10 And how big are the molecules that make up the matter? Is this volume?

How many millimeters is the negative 12th power of 9 * 10 And how big are the molecules that make up the matter? Is this volume?


There is a bundle of 8.9 kg, with a cross-sectional area of 2 × 10 square meters. Xiaohong wants to know the length of this bundle of wires, so she chooses one of the same specifications and materials A short wire is used to indirectly measure the length of the bundle of wires. The length of the short wire is 1 meter and the mass is 0.178 kg 1. The total length of the wire bundle L 2. The density of the wire P

1. L = 8.9 / 0.178 = 50m
2. P = 8.9 / v = 8.9 * 10 cubic

The square root and arithmetic square root of 10

The square root is the negative fourth power of positive 10 and the negative fourth power of negative 10
The arithmetic square root is the minus fourth power of positive 10

There is a polynomial which is the 10th power of a - the 9th power of a + the 8th power of a, the square of B - the 7th power of a, and the third power of B What's the law of this problem?

The rules are as follows: 1) the sum of indexes of a and B is 10; 2) the descending power of a is arranged; 3) the sign is positive and negative, and the first term is positive;

If a = 1.6 times 10 to the 9th power and B = 4 times 10 to the 3rd power, then the square of a is divided by 2B =?

= (1.6*10^9)^2/2(4*10^3)

It is known that in every square meter of land, the energy obtained from the sun in a year is equivalent to the energy generated by burning 1.3 times 10 of 8 times kilogram coal. Then, on the land of 9.6 times 10 and 6 times the square kilometer in China, the energy obtained from the sun in one year is equivalent to burning a times 10 times the nth power kilogram coal. Calculate the values of a and n

From: 1.3 × 10 ^ 8 × 10 ^ 6 × 9.6 × 10 ^ 6 = 1.248 × 10 ^ 21
That is, a = 1.248 n = 21
This value is too large. Is the given known data "the energy obtained from the sun per square meter of land in a year is equivalent to the energy generated by burning 1.3 times 10 8-kilogram coal"?

It is known that 53x + 1 △ 5x-1 = 252x-3. Find the value of X

The original formula is equivalent to
So the answer is: 4

If the monotone increasing interval of the function y = - cos (x / 2-pai / 3) is known as sin alpha cos alpha = radical 2 / 2, then the fourth power of sin alpha + C The monotone increasing interval of the function y = - cos (x / 2-pai / 3) is? Given sin alpha cos alpha = root 2 / 2, then the fourth power of sin alpha + four of COS alpha

The increasing range of y = - cos (x / 2 - π / 3) is [4K π + 2 π / 3,4k π + 8 / 3 π], K belongs to Z
If sin α - cos α = √ 2 / 2, then (sin α - cos α) ^ 2 = 1-2sin α cos α = 1 / 2, sin α cos α = 1 / 4

If Cos2 alpha = the root of three, then SiN4 alpha + Cos4 alpha =?

Radical 3 / 2

It is known that the alpha of sin and half of COS is equal to 2 root sign 3 / 3, then the value of sin alpha is? And the value of Cos2 alpha is?
