The negative first power of minus 1 / 2 is equal to "urgent", "urgent", "and", "urgent"

The negative first power of minus 1 / 2 is equal to "urgent", "urgent", "and", "urgent"

The negative first power of minus half equals - 2

Given that the a power of 10 is equal to 20, and the B power of 10 is equal to 5 minus 1 power, what is the a power of 9 divided by the 2B power of 3?

Let's first look at the a power of 9 divided by the 2B power of 3 = the 2A power of 3 divided by the 2B power of 3 by the 2a-2b power of 3, then we only need to know that 2a-2b =?, or more simply, A-B =?. then we can see that the a power of the first condition 10 = 20, the B power of the second condition 10 = the - 1 power of 5
The A-B power of 10 divided by the B power of 10 = 20 divided by the - 1 power of 5, that is, the A-B power of 10 = 100, the second power of 10 = 100, so A-B = 2, then 2a-2b = 4, then replace the first formula 3, the power of 2a-2b = the fourth power of 3!

3's 2013 power minus 5 × 3 2012 power + 6 × 3 2011 power

If we use ^ to express several powers
remember well
x^(a+b)=x^a x^b

2 and 7 / 9 to the power of 2 / 7 is equal to


What is the - 1 / 2 power of 0.002

- 1 / 2 power of 0.002
=0.002 to the power of 1 / 2
=Root 0.002 1 / 2
=10 times root 5

What is the 2005 power of (- 2) + the 2006 power of (- 2)


a. If B is reciprocal to each other, what is the 2006 power of a △ the 2005 power of negative B?

∵ A and B are reciprocal,
The 2006 power of a △ the 2005 power of minus one B
=[A's 2006 power] × [(- B's 2005 power]
=The 2005 power of {[a × (- b)] is} × a
=[(- 1) to the power of 2005] × a

The 2005 power of 2 times the 2006 power of 1 / 2 = ()

2 ^ 2005 times 1 / 2 ^ 2006
=2 ^ 2005 times 2 ^ (- 2006)

How much is the 2006 power of 5 multiplied by the 2005 power of (1 / 5)

In fact, this is the same as
The second power of 5 is the same as the first power of (1 / 5) and the first power of 5x5x5 = 5
5 times 1 / 5 = 1
And the power of five is more than one fifth, and one is 2005, and the number of five and (one in five) is offset
There's only five left

Why is the 2006 power of (minus 1 / 5) x the 2005 power of (minus 5) = minus 1? Why is it equal to minus one?

The power of (1 / 5) in 2006 is equal to the power of 2005