If the quadratic power of / A-1 / (the absolute value of A-1) + (B + 2) is 0, the value of the 2013 power of (a + b) and the 2012 power of a is fast,

If the quadratic power of / A-1 / (the absolute value of A-1) + (B + 2) is 0, the value of the 2013 power of (a + b) and the 2012 power of a is fast,

∵ / A-1 / (absolute value of A-1) + (B + 2) quadratic = 0
∴A-1=0 B+2=0
A=1 B=-2

If a is a nonzero integer with the smallest absolute value, find the value of a to the power of 2011 + the power of 2012 of a + the power of 2013 of A Come on

A is a nonzero integer with the smallest absolute value
When a = 1
A's 2011 power + A's 2012 power + A's 2013 power
When a = - 1
A's 2011 power + A's 2012 power + A's 2013 power

If the square of a + a = 1, find the value of the 2013 power of a + the 2012 power of a - the 2011 power of A

The square of a + a = 1
A's 2013 power + A's 2012 power - A's 2011 power
=The 2011 power of a (a 2 + A-1)
=The 2011 power of a is x0
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Given that the square of a minus the absolute value of 1 plus the square of (B + 1) = 0, calculate the value of a to the power of 2012 + the power of 2013 of B


The absolute value of a plus 1 plus B minus 1 to the 2nd power of 1 = 0, then the 2013 power of a + the 2012 power of B =?

The second power of the absolute value of a plus 1 plus B minus 1 = | a + 1 | + (B-1) 2 = 0
Because | a + 1 | 0 (B-1) 2 | 0
So a + 1 = 0 B-1 = 0 a = - 1 b = 1
The 2013 power of a + the 2012 power of B = - 1 + 1 = 0

The absolute value of noa-1 + the 2nd power of (B + 2) = 0, (the 2013 power of (a + b) + the 2012 power of a is equal to

According to the meaning of the title, A-1 = 0, B + 2 = 0 ﹤ a = 1, B = - 2 (a + b) ^ 2013 + A ^ 2012 = (a + b) ^ 2012 + 1 + A ^ 2012 = [(a + B + a) ^ 2012] (a + b) = [(1 + 1-2) ^ 2012] (1-2) = 0

The absolute value of A-1 and the power of (B + 2) are opposite to each other. Find the value of (a + b) to the power of 2012 + the power of 2013

From the meaning of the title: | A-1 | + (B + 2) 2 = 0
Then there are: A-1 = 0 and B + 2 = 0
The solution is: a = 1, B = - 2
The 2012 power of (a + b) and the 2013 power of a
=The 2012 power of (1-2) and the 2013 power of 1

If the square of a + 1 + the absolute value of b-2012 = 0, what is the B power of a equal to

If the sum of two nonnegative numbers is zero, the two nonnegative numbers are both zero

If the absolute value of A-1 + the quadratic power of (B + 2) = 0, then the value of (a + b) to the power of 2012 is

By the condition, because each item in the condition is greater than or equal to 0, only if each term is equal to 0, can the conditional equation hold,
The solution is a = 1
The solution B = - 2
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If the absolute value of x minus two plus y minus two thirds of the square equals zero, then what is the x power of Y? Can you tell me about it

If the sum square of absolute value is greater than or equal to 0, the addition is equal to 0
So both are equal to zero
So X-2 = 0, Y-2 / 3 = 0
So the original formula = (2 / 3) 2 = 4 / 9