Why is the zero power of any non-zero number equal to one? How to find a negative power with non-zero number?

Why is the zero power of any non-zero number equal to one? How to find a negative power with non-zero number?

For example, the 0 power of 1 is equal to 1 / 1.0, which cannot be divided by 0, so it cannot be 0
For example: (1 / 20) ^ - 2, "-" is equivalent to the reciprocal of 1 / 20 = 20, and the remaining "2" is the second power of 20 = 400
Hope the answer can be useful to you!

The fourth power of sin + the fourth power of COS a = 1-2sin, how to simplify the square a of ACOS?


How to simplify sin quartic x-cos quartic X and find the minimum positive period

Sin quartic x-cos quartic x
So the minimum positive period is π

Simplify sin "" x-sinxcosx + cos "" X "" to the fourth power

=1-(sin2x)^2 /2-sin2x /2

Simplify sin (а + π) * cos (π + a) * cos (a + 2 π) / Tan (π + a) * cos cubic (- A - π) conveniently

The original formula = - Sina * - cosa * cosa * Tana * - cosa ^ 3 = - Sina ^ 2 * cosa ^ 4

Simplification: Tan (a minus a) cos (minus a minus a) sin squared (a plus a) cos (minus a minus a) urgent

= sin²αcosacotα/(-tanαcos³α)
= sinαcos²a/(-sinαcos²α)
= -1.

It is proved that the fourth power of sin + the fourth power of COS is 1-2 sin? Bcos? B

On the left = [(SINB) 2] + [(CoSb) 2]] = [(SINB) 2 + (CoSb) 2] - 2 (sinbcosb) 2 = 1-2 (sinbcosb) 2 = 1-2 (sinbcosb) B = right, I don't understand the question ~ I hope my answer is helpful to you, so take it o (∩)_ ∩)O!...

Given the fourth power of sin a + cos a = 1, find the value of sina + cosa

Sin quartic a + cos quartic a = 1sin quartic a + 2Sin? ACOS? A + cos quartic a-2sin? ACOS? A = 1 (sin? A + cos? A)? - 2Sin? ACOS? A = 11-2sin? ACOS? A = 12sin? ACOS? A = 0sinacosa =

Given cos (π / 4 + a) cos (π / 4-A) = 1 / 4, find the fourth power of sina and the fourth power of cosa

cos(π/4+a)cos(π/4-a)=1/4 cos(π/4+a)cos(π/4-a)=1/2[cos(π/4+a+π/4-a)+cos(π/4+a-π/4+a)]=1/2[cos(π/2)+cos2a]=1/4 cos2a=1/2sina^4+cosa^4=(sina^2+cosa^2)^4-2sina^2+cosa^2=1-1/2(sin2a)^2=1-1/2[1-(co...

How to calculate the negative fraction of a number For example, 5 ^ - (2 / 3)

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