The 2010 power of 2 × (minus 1 / 2) is the 2011 power=

The 2010 power of 2 × (minus 1 / 2) is the 2011 power=

The 2010 power of 2 × (minus 1 / 2) is the 2011 power
=(2 × minus 1 / 2) to the power of 2010 × (minus 1 / 2)
=(- 1) to the power of 2010 × (minus 1 / 2)
=1 × (minus 1 / 2)
=Minus 1 / 2

8 to the 2010 power and 0.125 to the 2011 power

8 to the 2010 power and 0.125 to the 2011 power
=8 to the 2010 power · 0.125 to the 2010 power · 0.125
=The 2010 power of (8.0.125) was 0.125

Find the 2010 power of 2 + the 2011 power of negative 2

Note: 2 ^ 2010 is the 2010 power of 2

Calculation steps of (1 + 10%) negative fifth power

So (1 + 10%) ^ (- 5) = 1 / (1 + 10%) ^ (5) = 0.62
Or use a formula
(1 + x) ^ n ≈ 1 + nx

Calculation: 2.657 * 10 - 23rd power △ 1.67 * 10 - 24th power (-1.1*10^4)(2.3*10^5)÷(-5.06*10^13) [5(x+y)^2(x-y)^2]^3÷[5(x+y)^2(x-y)]^2

2.657 * 10 - 23rd power △ 1.67 * 10 - 24th power

Simple calculation (1 / 10 * 1 / 9 *... * 1 / 2 * 1) 100th power (1 * 2 *... * 9 * 10) Well, I want to explain the process completely. If you can, please bring the explanation Thank you~

(1/10×1/9×1/8×…… ×1/2×1)^100×(1×2×3×…… ×9×10)^100
=(1/10×10×1/9×9×1/8×8×…… ×1/3×3×1/2×2×1×1)^100

Calculation: the third power of (- 1 / 2) + (- 2) to the 0 power + (- 0.1) to the 2013 power * (10) to the 2013 power

=-1 / 8 + 1 + (- 0.1 × 10) to the power of 2013
=-The 2013 power of 1 / 8 + 1 + (- 1)

The content of the formula of square difference (the last two questions,) calculation: (a + 1) (A-1) (a 2 + 1) (a fourth power + 1) (a eighth power + 1) Calculation: (- 2A + b) (3a-b) - (a + b) (a-b), where a = half, B = - 1

(a + 1) (A-1) (a 2 + 1) (a fourth power + 1) (a octave power + 1) = (a 2 - 1) (a 2 + 1) (a ^ 4 + 1) (a ^ 8 + 1) = (a ^ 4-1) (a ^ 4 + 1) (a ^ 8 + 1) = (a ^ 8-1) (a ^ 8 + 1) = a ^ 16-1 (- 2A + b) (3a-b) - (a + b) (a-b) = (- 6A + 5ab-b +) - (a? - b) = - 7a &

The formula of square difference is used to calculate: (2 + 1) (2? 2 + 1) (2 fourth power + 1) (2 eighth power + 1) + 1

(2 + 1) (2? + 1) (2quartic + 1) (28th power + 1) + 1
=(2-1) (2 + 1) (2? + 1) (2quartic + 1) (28th power + 1) + 1
=(2? 2 - 1) (2? 2 + 1) (2 quartic + 1) (2 octave + 1) + 1
=(2quartic-1) (2quartic + 1) (28th + 1) + 1
=(28th power-1) (28th power + 1) + 1
=2 sixteenth power - 1 + 1
=2 to the sixteenth power

Calculate the square difference formula of (a + 1) (A-1) (A's quadratic power + 1)

(a + 1) (A-1) (the quadratic power of a + 1)