If the square of (2x + 3) plus the absolute value of - y + 2 equals 0, what is the Y power of x minus XY?

If the square of (2x + 3) plus the absolute value of - y + 2 equals 0, what is the Y power of x minus XY?

(2X+3)^2 + |-y+2| = 0
Because both terms are nonnegative, but the sum is 0, both are zero
So x = - 3 / 2, y = 2
The Y power of x minus XY
= (-3/2)^2 - 2*(-3/2)
= 9/4 + 3
= 21/4

Given that the absolute value of X is equal to 3, the absolute value of Y is equal to 5, and the absolute value of X + y is equal to - (x + y), find the algebra. The power of a = (2x + y) minus the value of 3 (x + y)

Given that the absolute value of X is equal to 3, the absolute value of Y is equal to 5, and the absolute value of DMX + y is equal to - (x + y), find the algebra. The power of a = (2x + y) minus the value of 3 (x + y)
X = + - 3, y = + - 5, and the absolute value of X + y is equal to - (x + y), so x = + - 3, and y = - 5. The value of a = (2x + y) minus 3 (x + y) has two results: when x = - 3, y = - 5, the original formula = 121-3 (- 3-5) = 145; when x = 3, y = - 5, the original formula = 1-3 (3-5) = 7

It is known that the absolute value of X + 1 is equal to 4, and the quadratic power of (y + 2) is equal to 4, and XY is less than 0 detailed

Because the absolute value of X + 1 is equal to 4, x = 3 or - 5
Because the quadratic of (y + 2) is equal to 4, y = 0 or - 4
Because XY is less than 0, x = 3, y = - 4
So x + y = - 1

Let a = {x, XY, X-Y}, B = {0, the absolute value of X, y}, if a = B, find the value of X 2011 power = y 2012 power

First of all, X ≠ 0, y ≠ 0, XY ≠ 0, then X-Y = 0, when x = x | x | y = y, x = 1, y = 1, y = 1 does not agree with the question. If x = y, xy = | x |, because x = y, so XY ≥ 0, xy = x, y = 1, x = 1, no solution

Given that X and y are rational numbers, and the absolute value of the square of x plus 1 plus y plus 1 / 2 is equal to 0, find the 2012 power of x minus XY

Answer: one in two

Given that the 2nd power of XY is less than 0, x + y is less than 0, the absolute value of X is equal to 3, and the 2nd power of Y is equal to 1. Find the absolute value of x-4 plus the 2nd power of [y + 3]

Do you mean the square of (XY) or x times the square of Y

If the second power of (x + 1) + the absolute value of Y-1 above = 0, then the 2008 power of X + the 2009 power of Y is equal to

The solution is as follows:
Because the second power of (x + 1) is greater than or equal to 0, the absolute value of Y-1 is also greater than or equal to 0
The second power of (x + 1) + the absolute value of Y-1 is 0
So we know that the second power of (x + 1) is equal to 0, and the absolute value of Y-1 is also equal to 0
So, x = - 1, y = 1
Therefore, X's 2008 power + Y's 2009 power = - 1's 2008 power + 1's 2009 power = 1 + 1 = 2
That is, the power of X to the power of 2008 + the power of y to the power of 2009 is equal to 2

If a, B and C are integers and the 19th power of absolute value of a minus B plus the 99th power of absolute value of C minus a is equal to 1, calculate the absolute value of C minus a plus a minus B absolute value plus B minus C absolute value

There are two situations
1、 A-B = 0 and C-A = 1, the original formula = 1 + 0 + ︱ - 1 = 2
2、 A-B = 1 and C-A = 0, the original formula = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2

If the absolute value of X-2 plus the fourth power of (y + 3) equals 0, then what is x minus y


-What is the 2009 power of 7 minus 14 times 7's 2008 power minus - 49 times 7's 2007 power -7^2009-14*7^2008-(-49*7^2007) =-7^2009-2*7^(2008+1)+7^(2+2007) =-2*7^2009 -7^2009-14*7^2008-(-49*7^2007) How did it change =-7^2009-2*7^(2008+1)+7^(2+2007)
