The charging standard of a taxi in a certain place is: the starting price (3km) is 8 yuan, and the price is 1.4 yuan per 1000m after 3km. If someone takes a journey of X (x > 0) km. (1) please write down the algebraic formula of the fee he should pay. (2) if the car he takes travels 18km, please help him calculate the fee he should pay

The charging standard of a taxi in a certain place is: the starting price (3km) is 8 yuan, and the price is 1.4 yuan per 1000m after 3km. If someone takes a journey of X (x > 0) km. (1) please write down the algebraic formula of the fee he should pay. (2) if the car he takes travels 18km, please help him calculate the fee he should pay

(1) When 0 < x ≤ 3, the fee payable is 8 yuan; when x > 3, the fee payable is 8 + 1.4 × (x-3) = (1.4x + 3.8) yuan; (2) ∵ 18 > 3, the fee payable for driving 18 km is 1.4 × 18 + 3.8 = 29 yuan