Y = LNX, the area of the figure enclosed by the straight line x = 3 and X axis, please help to list the formula (calculated by definite integral) After feedback from many friends, the definite formula = ∫ lnxdx is the interval integral from 3 to 1. I want to know how to find the intersection point 1

Y = LNX, the area of the figure enclosed by the straight line x = 3 and X axis, please help to list the formula (calculated by definite integral) After feedback from many friends, the definite formula = ∫ lnxdx is the interval integral from 3 to 1. I want to know how to find the intersection point 1

The figure enclosed by three lines is a curved triangle with the bottom of (1,0) (3,0)
The area is s = ∫ (&# 8321; &# 179;) lnxdx = (xlnx-x) | &# 8321; &# 179; = (3ln3-3) - (1ln1-1) = 3ln3-2
What is enclosed by the figure is not calculated
If it's a request
Simultaneous {y = LNX
But there's no need to ask