Make a vertical line of X axis through a focus of hyperbola x square / 144-y square / 25 = 1, and calculate the distance from the intersection of the vertical line and hyperbola to the two focuses

Make a vertical line of X axis through a focus of hyperbola x square / 144-y square / 25 = 1, and calculate the distance from the intersection of the vertical line and hyperbola to the two focuses

According to the meaning of the title, a = 12, B = 5, C = 13
The focus is f (± 13,0)
The vertical line is x = 13
The intersection of x = 13 and hyperbola is (13,25 / 12)
Therefore, the distance from the intersection point to one focus = 25 / 12, and the distance to another focus = √ (26 & sup2; + (25 / 12) & sup2;) = 313 / 12