It is known that in RT △ ABC, ∠ C = 90 °, AC = 12, BC = 16. First, fold an acute angle so that the vertex of the acute angle falls at the midpoint D of the opposite side, and the crease intersects the other right edge at e and the oblique edge at F. then can we draw a graph of the tangent value of ∠ CDE

It is known that in RT △ ABC, ∠ C = 90 °, AC = 12, BC = 16. First, fold an acute angle so that the vertex of the acute angle falls at the midpoint D of the opposite side, and the crease intersects the other right edge at e and the oblique edge at F. then can we draw a graph of the tangent value of ∠ CDE

Let AF = x, then DF = x, CF = 12-x, CD = 8, then because the triangle CDF is a right triangle, there are: DF & # 178; = CF & # 178; + CD & # 178;, that is: X & # 178; = (12-x) & # 178; + 64, then the tangent of ∠ CDE can be obtained
You can draw this figure by yourself according to what I said. What I said is very clear