A number that can be divided by eleven, divided by nine to eight, divided by seven to six, divided by five to four, divided by three to two

A number that can be divided by eleven, divided by nine to eight, divided by seven to six, divided by five to four, divided by three to two

If you divide by 9, the rest of 8 can be regarded as adding 1 to divide by 9
In the same way: this number plus 1 is divided by 9.75 (because if you divide it by 9, the remaining eight must be divided by 3, the remaining two), so this number plus 1 is a multiple of 315
If you divide 315 by 11, you need to find a multiple of 315 minus 1 is a multiple of 11. 7 * 8-1 = 55 is a multiple of 11
So 315 * 8-1 = 2519 is a multiple of 11, so this number is 2519