There is a palindrome number with six digits. It is still palindrome number after dividing by 95. What is the six digit number

There is a palindrome number with six digits. It is still palindrome number after dividing by 95. What is the six digit number

The divisor is 527725.527725 △ 95 = 5555, let the number be [abccba] ∵ only the number whose bits are 5 and 0 can be divided by 95 ∵ let a = 0 ∵ the divisor is [0bccb0] ∵ it does not conform to the meaning of the problem, rounding ∵ a = 5 ∵ the divisor is [5bccb5] ∵ the formula is [5bccb5] ∵ 95 = [5dd5] (written as vertical) ∵ it is easy to see that d = 5 [5bcc