We call the natural numbers with symmetrical arrangement of left and right numbers palindromic numbers, such as 505, 31731 (1)①121=11² ,13 321=111² 1 234 321=( )12 345 654 321=( ) ②14 641=( ) ③40 804=( ) ④44 944=( )

We call the natural numbers with symmetrical arrangement of left and right numbers palindromic numbers, such as 505, 31731 (1)①121=11² ,13 321=111² 1 234 321=( )12 345 654 321=( ) ②14 641=( ) ③40 804=( ) ④44 944=( )

1 234 321=(1111² )12 345 654 321=(111111² )
②14 641=(121² )
③40 804=(202² )
④44 944=(212² )
Hope to adopt, I wish you progress in your study