Finite sequence 1,23,26,29 Why is the number of terms of 23n + 6 N + 3

Finite sequence 1,23,26,29 Why is the number of terms of 23n + 6 N + 3

It's artificial
By observing the general term 23n + 6, we can see that 23, 26 and 29 do not meet the general term. Why?
Because the number of terms is n + 3
For example: when n = 1, the number of terms is 4, and the last term is 23 * 1 + 6 = 29
The sequence is 1, 23, 26, 29
When n = 2, the number of terms is 5, and the last term is 23 * 2 + 6 = 52
If the definition is less than 3 (example n + 2), then the first four terms (known four terms) cannot be satisfied. If the definition is greater than 3 (example n + 4), then the number of terms in the sequence is not enough. Take n + 4 as an example: n takes 1, then there are five terms, and the last term is 23 * 1 + 6 = 29, that is, there are only four terms in 1,23,26,29