An area of 560 square meters of green space, increase the width from 8 meters to 24 meters, the length of the same. After the expansion of the green area is how much?

An area of 560 square meters of green space, increase the width from 8 meters to 24 meters, the length of the same. After the expansion of the green area is how much?

The length of the rectangle is 560 △ 8 = 70 (m), and the expanded area is 70 × 24 = 1680 (M2). A: the expanded green area is 1680 m2

According to the content and form, what are the types of prose

(1) Narrative prose
This kind of prose describes people and things concretely and prominently, and shows the author's understanding and feelings. It also has strong Lyric elements and full of feelings between the lines. Narrative prose focuses on reflecting the essence of things from the development and change of narrative characters and events, with time, place, characters, events and other factors, From one point of view, we can choose the theme to express the author's thoughts and feelings. For example, Lu Xun's Mr. Fujino, Wu boxiao's a spinning wheel, and Zhu De's mother's memory. According to the different emphasis of the content of these essays, they can be divided into two types: the essay of recording events and the essay of writing people, It can be a story with a beginning and an end, such as Xu Dishan's "luohuasheng", or it can be a clip of several fragments, such as Lu Xun's "from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore". The most significant difference between the narrative and the novel is that the author's sincere feelings are poured into the narrative, The whole story centers on the characters. It often grasps the character characteristics of the characters to draw a rough outline, and focuses on the basic temperament, character and mental outlook of the characters, such as Lu Xun's Mr. Fujino. Whether the characters are real or not is the difference between the novel and the novel
(2) Lyric Prose
Zhao Xinjian's "Moonlight on the lotus pond" is a kind of prose that focuses on expressing the author's thoughts and feelings. It has narration and description of specific things, but usually does not run through the whole plot. Its outstanding feature is strong lyricism. It either expresses its feelings directly, or touches the scene, full of strong poetic and picturesque, even if it describes the natural scenery, Excellent lyric prose has sincere feelings, vivid language, and often uses symbolism and analogy to put ideas in the image, which has strong artistic appeal. For example, Mao Dun's praise of poplar, Wei Wei's deep feeling of parting, Zhu Ziqing's moonlight on the lotus pond, and Bing Xin's praise of Cherry Blossom
(3) Landscape prose
This kind of prose mainly focuses on describing the scenery. Most of these essays express their feelings while describing the scenery, or express their feelings through the scenery, or imply their feelings in the scenery. They grasp the characteristics of the scenery, use the method of changing scenery step by step according to the order of space transformation, and take the changes of observation as the context of the full text. Vivid scenery description can not only account for the background, render the atmosphere, but also set off the thoughts and feelings of the characters, For example: Liu Baiyu's Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
(4) Philosophical Prose
Philosophy is the penetration of perception, the spark of thought, the condensation of ideas, and the crystallization of wisdom. It runs through ancient and modern times, across China and foreign countries, embraces the whole world, penetrates life and society, resides in all kinds of life, family strengths and weaknesses, and flashes into thousands of landscapes in the field of thinking, Nature can be enlightened, influenced, baptized and sublimated in a subtle way, and this internalization is undoubtedly great. Philosophical prose participates in the truth of life with various images, thus revealing the eternal similarity between all things. Because of its profound nature and penetrating integration of mind, philosophical prose is a kind of spiritual prose, It gives us a shocking aesthetic effect to go deep into the essence, reveal the details and ideas of things through phenomena. We should grasp the thinking mode embodied in philosophical prose to understand the profound cultural details and accumulation contained in philosophical prose. 1. Symbolic thinking in Philosophical Prose: philosophical prose transcends the significance of daily experience and its own natural physical nature, It abandons superficiality, but achieves a state of communicating with people's thoughts, feelings, life and aura. We can get rational awakening and spiritual pleasure from the symbol, from the peace of mind to the tremor of soul, 2. Associative thinking of Philosophical Prose: because philosophical prose is a three-dimensional and comprehensive thinking system, through association, the article has a richer connotation and is not so thin, 3. Emotional thinking in Philosophical Prose: in essence, philosophical prose is a kind of dependence of thought expression on emotion. "Learning from nature, learning from heart", because the author has emotional participation in the process of understanding life, and the result of understanding has the integration of emotion and imagination, so the thought in philosophical prose is not only a kind of reflection of nature, but also a kind of expression of emotion, It is not a general dry discussion, but a thought with life emotion and full of aesthetic emotion. From reading between the lines of philosophical prose to understanding the depth of mind and the original meaning of life, this is where the artistic beauty of philosophical prose lies

A problem of finding rules in the first day of junior high school
Observe the arrangement of the numbers in the following groups, and then use the algebraic formula containing positive integer n to express the rule you found
(1) 2 5/4 10/9 17/16 26/25……
(2) 1 3/4 5/9 7/16 9/25……
(3) 1 5 9 13 17……
(4) 0 3 8 15 24……


A little bit of Chinese English translation should be accurate,
Chinese English Translation:
1. In line with this theme, we and XXX unit jointly hosted the event, and officially launched today
2. Let's bring smile to every friend with good wishes for the future

1. In order to match this theme, we have hosted this program together with XXX. It officially starts today. 2. Let us bring the smiles and happiness to everyone here with the best wishes for tomorrow....

Unit 1 2D translation and grammar focus

English people's Education Edition Grade 8 Volume 1 unit 2 2D translation

42 and 20, 24 and 18, 30 and 10, 60 and 15

42 and 20 common factors 2,24 and 18 common factors 2,3,30 and 10 common factors 2,5,60 and 15 common factors 3,5

When x is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 3, y is greater than or equal to 3 and less than or equal to 7, then the analytic expression of the function is

According to the meaning of the title:
When k > 0, the function is over (1,3) (3,7)
The solution of 3 = K + B is k = 2
7=3k+b b=1
When k < 0, the function is over (1,7) (3,3)
The solution of 7 = K + B is k = - 2
3=3k+b b=9
So the analytic expression of the function is y = 2x + 1, or y = - 2x + 9

People's education press primary school fourth grade volume I language unit 7 composition about 400 words
Writing about an unforgettable thing growing up

Mending clothes
Childhood is as colorful as a kaleidoscope; childhood is as colorful as a rainbow; childhood is as energetic as a spray. Everyone's childhood has many good memories. Although they slip away quietly with the wheel of time, they are always hidden in my mind like an elf, especially the "mending clothes" has become the most memorable interesting thing in my childhood
It was a Sunday morning when I got up to put on my clothes. I suddenly found a hole in my clothes. I was about to ask my sister to mend it for me, but then I thought: I should do what I can. Besides, I have grown up and should not let others mend my clothes. Thinking of this, I decided to mend it myself
I opened the sewing box, took out the needle and thread, and sat on the stool busy. I narrowed my eye, carefully put the thread into the eye of the needle, made a hard knot, found the hole in the clothes, and patiently mended it
"Ah!" I didn't expect that such a small and exquisite needle could not hold a pen so freely. My hand was as stiff as freezing, and the naughty needle was sliding in my hand like acrobatics. As the saying goes, "it's easy to see flowers, but hard to embroider." today, I finally learned it. Thinking about it, I suddenly got a needle stuck in my hand, My left index finger was bursting with bright red blood beads, which made me cry out. I learned from my mother's usual way, and quickly sucked the blood away with my mouth. When I wanted to give up, I remembered the teacher's words - "do everything to the end", and I couldn't help mending them again
The naughty needle is still so naughty. I calm down and ignore it completely. In my mind, I still think, "I must mend my clothes today." this time, I am more careful and sew carefully
After more than half an hour, I finally mended my clothes, but another problem lay in front of me - how to take in the thread? I remembered the way my sister took in the thread, so I did it step by step and tied a knot I went through a lot of hardships and finally got it
Although many years have passed, I still feel very happy in retrospect. I not only finished sewing clothes for the first time by myself, but also made me understand that I have to stick to everything and persevere, then I will succeed

In a feeding station, the number of chickens raised by a farmer is 1200, which is 75% more than that of ducks

The number of ducks is about 1 200 (1 + 75%) = 686
Chickens are 1200-686 more than ducks = 514

What is the number in the place of the 2015 power of 7 minus the 2015 power of 5?

Negative 2