How about 80% x + 25 = 45

How about 80% x + 25 = 45

Subtract 25 from both sides of the equation
We get 80% x = 20
Divide both sides by 80%
We get x = 25
I wonder how this problem can be put into constellation fortune
And then put it for nearly 20 hours without answering

How to calculate 0.6 / (x-0.45) = 0.25

6 / (x-0.45) = 0.25, x-0.45 = 0.6 / 0.25, x-0.45 = 2.4, x = 2.85

The volume of a cone is 36 cubic decimeters, its bottom area is 18 square decimeters, and its height is () decimeters
A. 2B. 6C. 18

A: its height is 6 decimeters

What is the factor that divides 24 and 36

The factors of 12 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12

Given a + B = - 2, ab = 3, find the value of 2 [AB + (- 3a)] - 3 (2B AB)

The original formula is 5ab-6a-6b = 5ab-6 (a + b). Substituting a + B = - 2, ab = 3, 5ab-6a-6b = 5ab-6 (a + b) = 27

Can bees count? How many can they count? Why?

Canberra, October 28 (Xinhua) Australian researchers said recently that they found that bees can count, and can count to 4
A researcher at the University of Queensland put five markers in a pipe and smeared nectar on one of them, ABC reported
After entering the pipe, the bee will fall on the mark strip coated with nectar. After the nectar is removed, the bee will still fall on the original mark strip
Researcher mandiam Srinivasan said: "we found that if you train them to fall on the third marker, they will later look for nectar on the third marker. If you train them to fall on the fourth marker, they will look for nectar on the fourth marker. But they only seem to count to four."
"The more we look at these creatures, the more surprised we are," Srinivasan said. "They do have many of the capabilities that we call higher creatures have."
Author: Xinhuanet editor: Zhang Xiyan

Calculate the following formula 1-2 + 3-4 + 5-6 +2007-2008

1-2+3-4+5-6… +2007-2008

Find the general term formula (1) - 1,7, - 13,19
(7)a,b,a,b…… The general term formula of

(1)  -1,7,-13,19… (
The first item should be negative
an=(-1)^n*【 (2³-3)/2³]
(7)a,b,a,b…… The general term formula of
an=(a+b)/2 +(b-a)/2*(-1)^n

Finding the general solution of the equation XY ′ = YLN (Y / x)

Let y = Xu
Then y '= u + Xu'
Substituting into the original equation: X (U + Xu ') = xulnu
Integral: ln | lnu-1 | = ln | x | + C1
Lnu-1 = Cx
That is ln (Y / x) - 1 = Cx

During the tree planting day, a total of 834 trees were planted in the two schools. The number of trees planted in Haishi middle school was three times less than that in Lidong middle school. How many trees were planted in each school?

Let Lidong middle school plant x trees. According to the meaning of the question, x + (2x-3) = 834, the solution is: x = 279, then 2x-3 = 2 × 279-3 = 555. Answer: Lidong middle school plant 279 trees, Haishi middle school plant 555 trees