Power factor formula The power factor cos-p marked on the single-phase motor nameplate is "1", which refers to the power factor of the motor itself (without capacitance), The operation capacitance formula of split phase capacitor motor c = 350000 * I / 2p * f * u * cos-p; double value operation capacitance formula C = 120000 * I / 2p * f * u * cos-p; what's the difference (right or wrong) with the formula C = 1950 * I / u * cos-p? Or they are limited to one type of single-phase motor, If there is a single-phase capacitor starting motor (wind flashover), which formula should be used? The difference between split phase capacitor motor and ordinary single-phase motor, its application example Take a look, brother

Power factor formula The power factor cos-p marked on the single-phase motor nameplate is "1", which refers to the power factor of the motor itself (without capacitance), The operation capacitance formula of split phase capacitor motor c = 350000 * I / 2p * f * u * cos-p; double value operation capacitance formula C = 120000 * I / 2p * f * u * cos-p; what's the difference (right or wrong) with the formula C = 1950 * I / u * cos-p? Or they are limited to one type of single-phase motor, If there is a single-phase capacitor starting motor (wind flashover), which formula should be used? The difference between split phase capacitor motor and ordinary single-phase motor, its application example Take a look, brother

It refers to the power factor after capacitance compensation

How to understand "LC parallel circuit resonance is equivalent to open circuit, series resonance is equivalent to short circuit"
RT, I still don't understand the resonance in the steady state analysis of sinusoidal current circuit
When parallel connection or series connection is confused
Series is equivalent to find a short line to short L and C, which is easy to understand
Parallel connection is equivalent to an open circuit. I don't understand. If there is a parallel connection between L and C on the trunk road, resonance is equivalent to disconnection? I see a question explaining that there is current on the trunk road when resonance occurs
How to understand the above open circuit and how to solve the main circuit current in parallel,

In parallel resonance, when we look at L and C respectively, there are currents on the components. The two currents are equal in magnitude and opposite in phase. When l and C are combined as a whole, the overall current is' 0 ', and there is no current exchange with the external circuit, so it is considered as an open circuit

Why series resonance is voltage resonance and parallel resonance is current resonance?
When the current resonance, the internal current is very large, how to exchange? When the voltage resonance, the internal voltage is very high, how to exchange? When the resonance, whether the inductance and capacitor become a component to block the current of a specific frequency, or whether the current flows through the inductance and capacitor respectively, and then synthesizes the total current

For ideal L and C elements, when series resonance occurs, the voltage on L and C elements is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, and the total voltage is equal to 0 (resonance impedance is zero). When parallel resonance occurs, the current in L and C elements is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, and the total current is equal to 0 (resonance impedance is infinite)
No matter in series or parallel resonance, when resonance occurs, the complete energy exchange between L and C is realized, that is, the released magnetic energy is completely converted into electric field energy and stored in the capacitor; at another moment, the capacitor discharges, and then converted into magnetic energy and stored in the inductor
In the series resonant circuit, because the series - L and C flow through the same current, the energy exchange is carried out by the change of voltage polarity; in the parallel circuit, the two ends of L and C are the same voltage, so the energy conversion shows that the current phase of the two components is opposite
In resonance, inductance and capacitance are two components, otherwise they can not exchange energy; but from the perspective of equivalent impedance, they become one component: resistance with zero or infinite value

2X minus 1 of 3 is equal to 81?
The power of 2x minus 1 of 3 is equal to 81?

So 2x-1 = 4, so x = 2.5

On the mathematical problems of the second grade of junior high school in the system of linear inequalities with one variable
1. Girls in two classes of Grade 8 live in several dormitories. If there are four students in each dorm, three students have no room to live in; if there are six students in each dorm, three dormitories are empty, and one dormitory is not enough to live in
2. Give a pile of apples to x children. If each child has 3 apples, the rest will be 8. If each child has 5 apples, the last one will get less than 3 apples
Please write the inequality system for each problem

There are x dormitories in total

With ten numbers on the circle, many integers can be formed in clockwise direction, and the part is a circular decimal, such as: 3.439897398 So the largest of these numbers is (), and the smallest is ()?

Maximum: 9.998874333
Minimum: 3.334788999

9 times - 9 of a number is equal to 6 times - 6 of this number. What is this number

Let this number be X
So this number is one

Two fill in the blanks in the first year of junior high school
1. The opposite number of a number is - (minus two and a quarter), and the opposite number of a number smaller than i-3-4i is_____ .
2. When b > 0, the size relationship of a, A-B, a + B is the same______ .

1. 3 / 2 (3 / 2)

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+… +1000


Given 20 (x + 2Y) = 15 (y + 3Z) = 12 (Z + 5x), then x: y
Given that 20 (x + 2Y) = 15 (y + 3Z) = 12 (Z + 5x), then x: Y: Z=___________
By the way, the method
