It takes 10 hours for a bus to drive from city a to city B, and 15 hours for a truck to drive from city B to city A. the two cars drive from the two cities at the same time. When they meet, the bus travels 96 kilometers more than the truck. How many kilometers is the highway between City A and city B long?

It takes 10 hours for a bus to drive from city a to city B, and 15 hours for a truck to drive from city B to city A. the two cars drive from the two cities at the same time. When they meet, the bus travels 96 kilometers more than the truck. How many kilometers is the highway between City A and city B long?

If we regard the length of the road between the two cities as a unit of "1", then the speed of the bus is: 1 △ 10 = 110, the speed of the truck is: 1 △ 15 = 115, the meeting time of the two cars is: 1 △ 110 + 115 = 6 (hours). The bus travels more than the truck every hour: 96 △ 6 = 16 (kilometers). The length of the road between the two cities is: 16 △ 110-115, = 16 △ 130, = 16 × 30, = 480 (kilometers). A: the length of the road between the two cities is: 16 △ 110-115, = 16 × 30, = 480 (kilometers) The highway between the two cities is 480 kilometers long

Definition: A is not a rational number of 1. We call 1 / 1-A the difference reciprocal of A,
For example, the reciprocal of 2 is 1 / 1-2 = - 1, and the reciprocal of - 1 is 1 / 1 - (- 1) = 1 / 2. It is known that A1 = 1 / 3, A2 is the reciprocal of A1, A3 is the reciprocal of A2, and so on=______ ,a3=______ ,a4=______ ,a2013=_______ .

Because A4 = A1
So it's a cycle of three
The remainder of 2013 △ 3 is the same as that of 3 △ 3
So a2013 = A3 = - 2

The total mass of a and car is M1, and the total mass of B and car B is m2. A pushes the wooden box with mass m to B at the speed V (relatively), B pushes the wooden box to a at the speed V after catching it, and a pushes the wooden block to B at the speed V after catching it, so the wooden box is pushed back and forth, if M1 = 2M2, M1 = 30m, What's the final speed of a and B?

When the speed of the wooden box is less than or equal to B, there will be no collision. At this time, B should receive 8 times and give 2mV each time, so B is 16V / 15 to the right, and a can use momentum conservation or calculate by this number, 17V / 30 to the left

There is a two digit number. The number on the ten digit is four times the number on the one digit. The number obtained by subtracting 54 from the two digit number is equal to the number of the two digit number
The original two digit number can be obtained from the two digit number obtained by the exchange of ten digit number and one digit number


Force analysis of automobile emergency braking
Driving force, adhesion, braking force (wheel braking force, ground braking force) analysis shall not be less than 400 words
In the emergency braking, driving force, adhesion, braking force of the force analysis on the safety aspects of those matters needing attention

Emergency braking: when the car is in an emergency, the driver should use the brake quickly and correctly, and stop the car in the shortest distance, which is called emergency braking. The operation method is: quickly lift the accelerator pedal, immediately step on the brake pedal, pull the hand brake lever, Make the car stop quickly. The emergency braking has great damage to the car and tire, and often causes the car to swing, turn around, lose orientation control or sideslip due to the brake inconsistency between the left and right wheels, or due to the difference of adhesion coefficient, especially on the wet road, damage the machinery and even cause accidents. Therefore, the emergency braking can only be used when it is dangerous
Ordinary brake: it is the brake that we usually step on. If we use it normally, it's called brake. It doesn't do much damage to machinery. It's predictive brake, normal wear and security
There is also engine braking. Engine braking refers to lifting the accelerator pedal without taking off the development engine. It uses the internal friction and intake and exhaust resistance of the engine to form a braking effect on the driving wheel
It is suitable for wet and slippery road. The general truck has a lever to control (air brake)

Given that the equation 5xm + 2 + 3 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, then M=______ .

Because 5xm + 2 + 3 = 0 is a one variable linear equation about X, so m + 2 = 1, the solution is m = - 1

If they set out at the same time, they will meet in 4 / 3 hours. If a starts for 1 hour and B starts again, they will meet in 2 / 3 hours. How much time does it take for a and B to complete the whole journey of a and B

Let a speed x, B speed y, take the distance as the unit "1"
∴4/3(x+y)=1 ,x+y=3/4
5/3x+2/3y=1 5x+2y=3
The time required for a to complete the whole process of a and B is 1 / 1 / 2 = 2 hours
It takes Party B 1 △ 1 / 4 = 4 hours to complete the whole process of a and B

1-2 + 3-4 + 5-6.2001-2002 equals

This should be the first question of junior high school. I did it a few days ago!

1000 square = 1000000 dozen one idiom

Do everything possible

The total weight of the three steel plates is 207kg. The weight of the first steel plate is three times that of the second steel plate, and the weight of the second steel plate is two times that of the third steel plate. How many kg do the three steel plates weigh?

1 + 2 + 6 = 9, weight of the third block: 207 △ 9 = 23 (tons), weight of the second block: 23 × 2 = 46 (tons), weight of the first block: 46 × 3 = 138 (tons); answer: weight of the first block: 138 tons, weight of the second block: 46 tons, weight of the third block: 23 tons