The sum of all the edges of the cuboid is 120 decimeters, the bottom of the cuboid is square, and the perimeter is 44 decimeters. What is the surface area and volume of the cuboid?

The sum of all the edges of the cuboid is 120 decimeters, the bottom of the cuboid is square, and the perimeter is 44 decimeters. What is the surface area and volume of the cuboid?

What is the length and width of a cuboid
44 △ 4 = 11 (decimeter)
What is the height of a cuboid
120 △ 4-11-11 = 8 (decimeter)
What is the surface area of a cuboid
(11 × 11 + 11 × 8 + 11 × 8) × 2 = 594 (square decimeter)
What is the volume of a cuboid
11 × 11 × 8 = 968 (cubic decimeter)

If sin (x - π / 4) = 3 / 5, then sin 2x
Evaluate cos π / 5 * Cos2 π / 5=

SiNx cosx = 3 √ 2 / 5
The sum and difference formula sin (α - β) = sin α cos β - cos α sin β
Double angle formula sin2a = 2sinacosa

Given that LGA and LGB are the two real roots of the equation 2x ^ 2-4x + 1 = 0, find the value of LGA, LGB, LG (AB)

According to Weida's theorem:
lga lgb=1/2
So LGA LGB LG (AB) = LGA LGB (LGA + LGB) = 1 / 2 * 2 = 1

In the function y = 2x, the function y increases with the increase of the independent variable x______ The image passes through the______ Quadrant

One, three quadrants

The number a is 7 / 8, which is more than 1 / 3 and 5 / 6 of the number B. what's the number B? (solving equations) how to write this problem

Let B be X
B is 1 / 8

Given the center coordinates and four vertex coordinates of an ellipse, the equation of the ellipse is solved
RTRT... This ellipse is not on the coordinate axis... It can bring a good number

First assume that it is at the origin of the coordinate, and then find out the equation, and then use the translation change to find the equation that appears at the origin



How many degrees of COS is equal to - 1 / 2

2K π + 2 / 3 π or 2K π + 4 / 3 π (k is an integer) vector m, n angle range (0,90), if cos = - 1 / 2, then the vector m, n angle is 120, the line L and a angle is 30

If the line y = (A & # 178; - 1) x + 2 is parallel to the line y = 3x + A, then the value of a is
A. - 2 B.2 C. ± 2 d.0 or 2 d

The line y = (A & # 178; - 1) x + 2 is parallel to the line y = 3x + a
Then there is a-178; - 1 = 3
The solution is a = ± 2
When a = 2, it coincides with the original line
So a = - 2
The answer is a

Please fill in the brackets with a suitable positive integer to make the following equation true
The fourth power of 2 + () is 25; the second power of () is 25
Can you find three different positive integers that make the following equation true?
The second power of () plus the third power of () plus the fourth power of () is 25

Fill in the order