How to find the derivative of the fourth power of Sint * (the square of 1-sint) one

How to find the derivative of the fourth power of Sint * (the square of 1-sint) one

The fourth power of Sint * (the square of 1-sint) DT
(sint^4 -sint^6)dt

Why LIM (Sint + cost-1) / T = LIM (cost Sint) = 1 when t tends to 0)

Haven't you learned to find the limit of type 0 / 0? The numerator and denominator can find the derivative of t at the same time, and then bring t = 0 into the derivative

In the derivation of (cosx) '= - SiNx Lim {T -- > 0} [cosx * (cost-1)] / T + Lim {T -- > 0} - (SiNx * Sint) / T
In the derivation of (cosx) '= - SiNx
lim {t-->0} [cosx*(cost-1)]/t + lim {t-->0} -(sinx*sint)/t
Because cost-1 is equivalent to - (1 / 2) T ^ 2
Sin t is equivalent to t,
Replace with equivalent infinitesimal:
Original formula = Lim {T -- > 0} [cosx * (- 1 / 2) T ^ 2] / T + Lim {T -- > 0} - (SiNx * t) / T
My question is: why do you want identical deformation
lim {t-->0} [cosx*(cost-1)]/t + lim {t-->0} -(sinx*sint)/t
When t approaches infinity, cost-1 is zero and SiNx * Sint is zero

The purpose of identical deformation is to eliminate t on the denominator. If you do as you do, there is also t on the denominator, and the convergence speed of cost-1 and Sint is different. That's why they all seem to be equal to 0, but in fact they are not 0 after simplification. After knowing the derivation formula, it can be verified that LIM (cost-1) / Sint uses the law of robetta = - tant, which shows that their convergence speed ratio is 1

There is no multiplication sign in the square of X + () x + 1 / 4 = () and all x are unknowns. I fill in 1 and x = 1 / 2 wrong in the brackets
There is no multiplication sign in the square of X + () x + 1 / 4 = () and all x are unknowns. I filled in 1 and X + 1 / 2 wrong when I asked for the contents in brackets

Fill in ± 1 and X ± 1 / 2

If point a is on the image of positive scale function y = KX, its distance to x-axis is 4, and its distance to Y-axis is 2, the analytic expression of positive scale function is obtained

Its distance to the x-axis is 4, and its distance to the y-axis is 2 = > A (2,4) (2, - 4) (- 2,4) (- 2, - 4)
Substituting the function, we can get k = 2, - 2, so the analytic expression of the function is y = 2x or y = - 2x

The method of solving linear equations of two variables is
Use the idea of () to transform the equations into questions(

Elimination of linear equation with one variable

How to calculate the maximum power in Ohm's law of closed circuit
I know that the maximum value is obtained when the internal resistance of the circuit is equal to the external resistance. But how to get the maximum value of the electric power? How to get the formula

Let the internal resistance of the power supply be r, the load resistance be Rx, the current be I, the voltage be u, and the maximum power be px. Because the current is equal everywhere in the series circuit, there is u = I (R + Rx), then PX = UI. When r = Rx, the output power of the power supply is the maximum, that is, u = I * 2R = I * 2RX, then PX = I * 2R * I = I * 2R * I

How to factorize (a ^ 2 + 1 / A ^ 2) ^ 2-4?
The parabola y = x ^ 2 + BX + C is shifted 3 units to the right and 5 units to the down. The analytical formula is y = x ^ 2-3x + 5, then B =? C =?

1 (a ^ 2 + 1 / A ^ 2) ^ 2-4 = (a ^ 2 + 1 / A ^ 2-2) (a ^ 2 + 1 / A ^ 2 + 2) = (A-1 / a) ^ 2 (a + 1 / a) ^ 2 before translation y = (x + B / 2) ^ 2 + C-B ^ 2 / 4 after y = (x + B / 2-3) ^ 2 + C-B ^ 2 / 4-5, so B = 3, C = 10

Which month in history has five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays

You're right
October 2010 is such a day
Every 83 years, there are five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays in October
The possible months include: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
Hope to help you~

A mathematical problem, to write the process
A rectangular sheet of iron, if it is used to process the side of a cylindrical oil barrel with a height of 5 decimeters, and then it is equipped with a bottom. How many square decimeters of iron sheet does it need at least to process such an oil barrel?
The rectangle is 18.84 decimeters long and 5 decimeters wide
Note: 18.84 is not only the perimeter of the bottom, but also the cover

18.84 / 3.14 / 2 = 3cm, 18.84 is the bottom of the circle, the circumference of 18.84 * 5 + 3.14 * 3 * 3 * 2 is equal to the area of the sheet iron