Find the analytic formula 3f (2x-3) + 2F (3-2x) = 2x, f (x) =? I just learned this today, but I don't know much about it Taking this question as an example, I searched the Internet to solve it. The process is as follows: Let 2x-3 = t Then 2x = t + 3 That is, 3f (2x-3) + 2F (3-2x) = 2x 3f(t)+2f(-t)=t+3 ① ∴3f(-t)+2f(t)=-t+3 ② When f (- t) is eliminated, there are two results: ① × 3 - ② × 2 5f(t)=5t+3 ∴f(t)=t+3/5 That is, f (x) = x + 3 / 5 How does the second equation come from,

Find the analytic formula 3f (2x-3) + 2F (3-2x) = 2x, f (x) =? I just learned this today, but I don't know much about it Taking this question as an example, I searched the Internet to solve it. The process is as follows: Let 2x-3 = t Then 2x = t + 3 That is, 3f (2x-3) + 2F (3-2x) = 2x 3f(t)+2f(-t)=t+3 ① ∴3f(-t)+2f(t)=-t+3 ② When f (- t) is eliminated, there are two results: ① × 3 - ② × 2 5f(t)=5t+3 ∴f(t)=t+3/5 That is, f (x) = x + 3 / 5 How does the second equation come from,

Because 3f (T) + 2F (- t) = t + 3, we can get 3f (- t) + 2F (T) = - t + 3 by substituting - t for the position of T in the above formula

If f (x) satisfies 2F (x) = 3f (- x) = x2 + X, then f (x)=


A (0, - 3), B (4,0). If point P is a moving point on the circle = square of X + square of Y - 2Y = 0, then what is the minimum area of Δ ABP

The line AB is 3x-4y-12 = 0
Triangle bottom AB = 5
Center (0,1), r = 1
Distance from the center of circle to ab d = | 0-4-12 | / √ (3 & sup2; + 4 & sup2;) = 16 / 5
So the minimum distance between P and ab is D-R = 11 / 5
That's 11 / 5
So the minimum area of triangle is 11 / 2

Given the function f (x) = 2-x2, G (x) = X. if f (x) * g (x) = min {f (x), G (x)}, then the maximum value of F (x) * g (x) is______ (Note: Min is the minimum value)

According to the meaning of the question, we can make a function image that meets the conditions, such as f (x) * g (x) = 2 − x2 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X ≤ − 2x & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; - 2 − x2 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X ≥ 1 x < 1, which is known from the image, and the maximum value is 1

The Taylor formula is used to solve the problem of higher order derivative as follows
Let's use Taylor's formula,

If the differentiable function f (x) is known and f '(x) > F (x), then the relation between F (a) and e ^ AF (0) is

F (a) > e ^ a · f (0) this problem our teacher talked about, he also did not have the general method, can only use the special value to consider f '(x) > F (x), so we can make f (x) = e ^ (2x), then f' (x) = 2E ^ (2x) 2E ^ (2x) must be greater than e ^ (2x), so f (x) = e ^ (2x) is in line with the meaning of the problem, f (a) = e ^ (2a) e ^ a · f (0) = e ^ AE ^ (2a) > e ^ A, so f (a) > e

Let a be a symmetric matrix and B be an antisymmetric matrix. It is proved that a Λ (- 1) B Λ 2-B Λ 2A Λ (- 1) is an antisymmetric matrix

If a is a symmetric matrix, then a ^ {- 1} is symmetric,
The definition of reuse is provable

Is 15 minutes singular or plural?
For example, sure, 15 minutes is enough time for you to have a coffee
Why is the verb be here?

When 15 minutes is the subject, the predicate verb uses the singular number. This is to follow the principle of subject predicate consistency. See the following explanation for details,
When a plural noun indicating time, distance, measure, weight, amount, etc. is regarded as a whole, the predicate verb is singular; if an individual is emphasized, it can also be plural
Twenty years is a long time.
Twenty years is a long time
Two kilometers is a long way to go on foot.
It's a long way to walk two thousand meters
Six months have passed,and we still have no news of them.
Six months later, we still haven't heard from them
Ten dollars is too much for this old coin.
The price of this ancient coin is not as high as 10 yuan
Three dollars were paid for the old coin.
The old money cost three yuan
Twenty years is a long time.
Twenty years is a long time
Twenty years have passed since they got married.
They have been married for 20 years



Data is the subject and predicate of the verb?

Data American: ['det & # 601;] British: ['det & # 601;]
Noun n
Data (plural of datum)
So the predicate is plural
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