English online translation pronunciation America

English online translation pronunciation America

No April rain ____ 1_____ No wedding Saturday _____ 2_____ But what it isIs something trueMade up of these three words that I must say to youI just called to say I love youI just called to say how much I ...

English translation
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On the pronunciation of English words
How to read the pronunciation of words correctly, such as unfamiliar words, how to practice

Pronunciation rules of English words
1、 Syllables: syllables are the basic unit of pronunciation. The pronunciation of any word is broken down into syllables. In English, vowels are very loud. A vowel can form a syllable, and a vowel and one or more consonant phonemes can also form a syllable. Generally speaking, vowels can form syllables, but consonants are not loud and cannot form syllables Consonants [M], [n], [ng], [l] are sounds. They can be combined with consonant phonemes to form syllables. The syllables they form often appear at the end of words and are generally unstressed syllables. English words have one syllable, two syllables and many syllables. One syllable is monosyllabic, two syllables are disyllabic, and more than three syllables are polysyllabic, Pop ` ula'tion population, consolidate ` ula'tion congratulations. Tel'ecommu ` nica'tion
The method of dividing syllables: vowels are the main body of syllables, and consonants are the dividing line of syllables. No matter how many vowels there are between two consonants, they are generally one syllable. For example, bed, bet, seat, beat, beautiful beauty of beauty. When there is a consonant between two vowels, the consonant belongs to the next syllable, such as stu'dent students, When there are two consonant letters, one consonant letter belongs to the first syllable, and the other to the second syllable, such as let's letter, win't winter
2、 Word stress: this method divides syllables into stressed syllables, sub stressed syllables and unstressed syllables
1. Stressed syllable: in English disyllabic or polysyllabic words, there is a particularly loud syllable, which is called stressed syllable. Stressed syllable is pronounced according to the pronunciation rules of stressed syllable, such as chi'na, China, driver
2. Sub stressed syllable: a syllable pronounced according to the rules of stressed syllables, but not stressed
3. Unstressed syllables: the syllables are pronounced according to the pronunciation rules of unstressed syllables, and unstressed ones, such as let'ter letter, hap'py happiness
1. Generally speaking, the stress of disyllabic words is on the first syllable
2. A disyllabic word consisting of a monosyllabic prefix with the stress on the second syllable. About 'about, report'
3. The stress of polysyllabic words is in the penultimate syllable, and trisyllabic words are the first syllable
4. After adding a prefix or suffix to a disyllabic or polysyllabic word, pronounce the syllable according to the stress of the original root. For example: def'inite sure → def'inite not sure. Care'ful'carefully → cae'ful'ly carefully
5. The ending of the word is - IC, - ion, - sion, and the syllable before - IC, - ion, - sion is stressed
6. In general, there is only one stressed syllable in polysyllabic words, and the rest are sub stressed or unstressed syllables. Some compound words and English translations have two stresses, such as: fif'teen'15, ber'lin'berlin
3、 Main sound and secondary sound: this method divides the pronunciation of letters into main sound and secondary sound according to whether the pronunciation of letters is commonly used. Main sound is the main pronunciation of letters, which is commonly used. Secondary sound is the secondary pronunciation of letters, which is not commonly used in the exception of pronunciation rules. In general, letters produce main sound, but in a few cases, due to the influence of adjacent letters and other factors, Add a line under the main letter to indicate the secondary sound
4、 Pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables: in stressed syllables, according to the pronunciation of vowels a, e, I, O, u, the following five syllable types are divided:
1. Open syllable: there are two kinds of open syllable, one is called absolute open syllable, that is, there is no consonant letter after the vowel letter, such as we, No. the other is called relative open syllable, that is, there is a consonant letter after the vowel letter (except R), and there is a silent letter E, such as name, like image. Or there is a silent e after a vowel letter, such as die, keep Note: when there are two consonants after a vowel and an e is added, the E is pronounced as a syllable
2. Closed syllable: when there is a consonant letter after a vowel letter (except R), the syllable formed by this vowel letter is called closed syllable. There are also two cases, one is called absolute closed syllable, and there is a consonant letter after the vowel of the syllable, such as map, bag schoolbag. The other is called relative closed syllable. There is no consonant letter after the vowel of the syllable, but borrows the consonant letter from the following syllable, Borrowed letters naturally return to the following syllables when spelled. For example: pit'y, sympathy, bod'y, body
3. - R syllable: a combination of vowel and consonant - R. for example, car, park
4. - re syllable: the combination of vowel and - re, e.g. care, here
5. Vowel combination syllable: a syllable composed of vowel and vowel combination, or vowel and - y, - W, - L, - G, - GH, N, etc
5、 Pronunciation of vowels in unstressed syllables: the pronunciation changes of vowels in unstressed syllables are less, and the list of unstressed syllables of vowels is shown in Table 5 of English Shaw phonetics and pronunciation rules
6、 Pronunciation of consonants: the consonants change less in pronunciation, generally pronounce the tonic, and in a few cases pronounce the secondary
Supplementary rules for vowel stressed syllables:
1. Some vowel combinations are pronounced according to one letter or - R syllable, and some other letters are not pronounced. This method marks the non pronounced letters as italics, which is helpful for beginners to memorize. For example: AI [AE], ay [AE], Au [ar], ay [EE], AOR [or]
2. When w - is in front of the closed syllable a, it is pronounced as the second sound [O]. But wa'ter water, pronounced as ['worta.], is represented by wa
3. When the closed syllable A is followed by - F, - m, - N, - s, - th, - th, British English reads [ar] and American English reads [a]. This method is marked with an open syllable
4. The closed syllable o is followed by - m, - N, - V, - th
5. When the closed syllable u is preceded by B -, P - and F - [u]
6. When the open syllables u, UI and EW are preceded by L -, R -, and J -, they are pronounced as second [UE]
7. The second tone al reads [ORL], but it is followed by - K when it reads [or]
8. In disyllabic or polysyllabic, there are three cases when R is adjacent to two syllables
(1) When the adjacent place is RR, an R belongs to the preceding syllable, the stress mark is after r, and the vowel in front of R is pronounced as a closed syllable
(2) When the adjacent place is "vowel + R + consonant", R belongs to the preceding syllable, the stress mark is after r, and the vowel in front of R is pronounced according to - R syllable. For example: par'ty, thir'ty
(3) (4) when the adjacent place is "vowel + R + vowel", R belongs to the preceding syllable, and the stress mark is after R. the vowel in front of R is pronounced as - re syllable, and R is spelled with the following vowel. For example: par'ent parent, zer'o'zero. (4) when the adjacent place is "vowel + R + vowel", R belongs to the following syllable, and the stress mark is before R, The vowel in front of R is pronounced as an open syllable
8. Since 53 syllables are rare, readers are not required to remember when to pronounce the main or secondary syllables, just remember the pronunciation of these syllables
Examples of vowel stressed syllables:
Class 1: open syllable A: the main sound reads [AE], such as name, cake, and the second sound reads [ar], such as a'sk, pa'st
Class 2: open syllable e: the main sound reads [EE], such as he, he, we, we. The second sound reads [e], such as ve'ry, very, American, American
Class 3: open syllable I: the main sound reads [ie], such as I, I, like, and the secondary sound reads [EE], such as field, police'man
Class 4: open syllable o: the main sound reads [OE], such as hope, No. the secondary sound reads [UE], such as shoe, move
Class 5: open syllable U: the main pronunciation [UE], such as use, Du'ty duty. The second pronunciation [UE], such as June, true, true
Class 6: closed syllable A: Main pronunciation [a], such as map, bag, schoolbag. Secondary pronunciation [O], such as wash, want
Class 7: closed syllable e: Main pronunciation [e], such as tell, rest, and secondary pronunciation [i], such as english'english, english'land, England
Class 8: closed syllable I: the main sound reads [i], such as it, if. No secondary sound
Class 9: closed syllable o: pronunciations [O], such as not, dog, dog, and sub pronunciations [u], such as son, son, month
Class 10: closed syllable U: Main pronunciation [u], such as sun, but, but. Secondary pronunciation [u], such as pull, push, push
Examples of the pronunciation of each type of syllable are given in the textbook English Shaw phonetic symbols and pronunciation rules
Supplementary provisions for consonants:
1. Consonant letter combination only sounds one letter, and some other letters are not pronounced. In this method, the silent letters are marked as italics, which is helpful for beginners to remember, such as wh [w], WR [R], Rh [R]
2. * C before vowel e, I, - y, the main sound reads [S], the second sound reads [ch]
3. * g precedes vowels e, I, - y with a tonic [J] and a minor [g]
4. N read the second [ng] before [k] and [g]
5. X pronounces the second [GZ] before accenting the vowel
6. The second sound of th before article, pronoun, preposition and conjunction
7. S is between the two vowels, and the second consonant is read before the voiced consonant
8. When the combination and vowel of Qu appear in a word, u is not combined with other vowels
10. When adding "s" to the end of a verb or noun, the pronunciation of "s" is as follows
(1) The front is the clear consonant reading, such as lamps, desks, looks, waits, etc
(2) For example: beds, pigs, plays, walls
(3) For example, washes, CLA'ses, boxes, praises, matches, pages. Other words derived from these words are pronounced in this way
11. In the past tense with the suffix - ed, the pronunciation of - ed is as follows
(1) Walk, miss, jump, wash
(2) Play, closed, robbed, begged
(3) I want to, need to. Other kinds of words derived from it are also pronounced in this way
9. Other letter combinations are better