60% of the number a is 2.5 more than 25% of 32. What's the number a? (solve the equation)

60% of the number a is 2.5 more than 25% of 32. What's the number a? (solve the equation)

Let a be x, then there is an equation
A: the number a is 17.5

Given sin (2 α + β) + 2Sin β = 0. Prove Tan α = 3tan (α + β)


If the points P (a, b), q (3,6) are known and PQ is parallel to the x-axis, then the value of B is ()
[a mathematical fill in the blanks]
If the points P (a, b), q (3,6) are known and PQ is parallel to the X axis, then the value of B is ()

If PQ is parallel to X axis, their ordinates are equal
So B = 6

Function f (x) = sin (x)_ The sum of the maximum and minimum of cosx is?

When x = 2K π - π / 2, f (x) has a minimum value of - 1,
When x = 2K π + π / 2, f (x) has a maximum value of 1. (K ∈ z)
Therefore, the sum of maximum and minimum is 1 + (- 1) = 0

The equation of a straight line passing through point (4,1) with equal intercept on two coordinate axes is______ .

When the line passes through the origin, the equation is & nbsp; y = 14x, that is, x-4y = 0. When the line does not pass through the origin, let the equation of the line be & nbsp; X + y = K. substituting point a (4,1) into the equation of the line, we can get k = 5, so the equation of the line is x + Y-5 = 0. To sum up, the equation of the line is x-4y = 0, or x + Y-5 = 0, so the answer is: x-4y = 0, or x + Y-5 = 0

How to calculate 3.5 / (0.35 * 2)


The line y = 2 / 3x-2 intersects the X and Y axes at two points a and B respectively, and O is the origin
(1) Calculate the area of Δ AOB;
《2》 1. Can we draw a straight line through the vertex of Δ AOB? 2. If we can, how many can we draw? 3. Write the corresponding functional formula of such a straight line "write the process of calculation"

1. Y = 2 / 3x-2x = 0, y = - 2, so B (0, - 2) y = 0, x = 1 / 3, so a (1 / 3,0) s △ AOB = AO * Bo / 2 = 2 * 1 / 3 * 1 / 2 = 1 / 32. Yes. Three lines can be drawn. 3

Given the function f (x) = x / 2x + 1, x > 0, sequence {an} satisfies A1 = 1, an + 1 = f (an); sequence {BN} satisfies B1 = 1 / 2, BN + 1 = 1 / 1-2f (SN), where
Given the function f (x) = x / 2x + 1, x > 0, sequence {an} satisfies A1 = 1, an + 1 = f (an); sequence {BN} satisfies B1 = 1 / 2, BN + 1 = 1 / 1-2f (SN), where SN is the sum of the first several terms of sequence {BN}, n = 1,2,3
(1) Find the general term formula of sequence {an} and {BN}.
(2) Let TN = 1 / A1B1 + 1 / a2b2 +... + 1 / anbn

If an + 1 = f (an), then a (n + 1) = an / (2An + 1), take the reciprocal on both sides, 1 / a (n + 1) = (2An + 1) / an = 2 + 1 / an then 1 / a (n + 1) - 1 / an = 2, let CN = 1 / an then cn-c (n + 1) = 2 (arithmetic sequence, tolerance is 2, the first term is C1 = 1 / A1 = 1), CN = 1 + 2 (n-1) = 2N-1 then an = 1 / (2n-1) BN + 1 = 1 / 1-2f (SN) is reduced to

To move a point charge of minus 9 power with an electric quantity of - 2 times 10 from point n in the electric field to point m, it is necessary to overcome the work done by the electric field force to 14 times 10 minus 9 joules. What is the potential difference between N and M? If the charge is moved from m to N, what is the work done by the electric field force? What is um n?

If the charge is moved from m to N, the electric field force is - 14 times 10 minus 9 Joule work, and um n is 7V

If the proposition "x ^ 2 + 2aX + 1 = 0" is true, then the value range of real number a is

a> 1 or a