Given x + y = 3, xy = - 12, find the value of | X-Y |

Given x + y = 3, xy = - 12, find the value of | X-Y |


X / y = 3, and X + y = 12, find the value of X-Y


Given that the product of n natural numbers is 2007, and the sum of these n natural numbers is also 2007, then the maximum value of n is______ .

2007 = 3 × 3 × 223. To make the sum of the right end of the above formula 2007 and the product still 2007, we think of multiplying by 1, that is, 2007 = 3 × 3 × 223 × 1 × 1 × X 1, because 2007 - (3 + 3 + 223) = 1778, that is, multiply 1778 ones to satisfy the condition, at this time, the maximum value of n is 1778 + 3 = 1781; so the answer is: 1781

Polar coordinate equation 2 ρ cos ^ 2 θ / 2 = 5 is a circle B ellipse C hyperbola D parabola
2ρcos^2 θ/2=ρ(cos θ+1)=ρcos θ+ρ=x+ρ,
So x + ρ = 5, ρ = 5-x, square: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = (5-x) ^ 2, simplify the parabola y ^ 2 = 25-10x
How does the formula in brackets come from, especially the formula in square?

ρ is the distance from the coordinate origin to a point, which is equal to (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) under the root sign. You know that. Well, ρ = 5-x, the square of both sides, and the left side is x ^ 2 + y ^ 2

Solving several factorization problems in junior one

I don't understand. I'm sorry
2 (2X^2+2Y^2)/XY
1 (X-2) (x + 2) + 3 (x + change 3) (x-change 3) - (y + I) ^ 2
I'm a little tired

There are two points a (- 2,2), B (3,2) and C in the plane rectangular coordinate system. If △ ABC is an isosceles triangle, the point C satisfying the condition has ()
A. 6 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10

According to the meaning of the title, there are four triangles with AC and ab as the waist, one triangle with AC and BC as the waist, and four triangles with BC and ab as the waist

If (3x-2y + 1) &# (178) and 4x-3y-3 are opposite numbers, then x=_________ ,y=__________
Please explain the process, thank you very much

It's the absolute value of 4x-3y-3
Because (3x-2y + 1) &# 178; and 4x-3y-3 are both nonnegative numbers
Two nonnegative numbers are opposite to each other
It can only be that every non negative number equals 0
So 3x-2y + 1 = 0
The solution is: x = - 9

What is k if the line y = KX + K-2 and the parabola y ^ 2 = 4x have and only have one common point

Otherwise, if x = (Y-K + 2) / k = y & # 178; - 4Y / K + 4 (K-2) / k = 0 has only one common point, then the equation has a solution, so △ = 0 16 / K & # 178; - 16 (K-2) / k = 0 can be solved to k = 1 - √ 2, k = 1 + √ 2 ensemble, k = 0 or K = 1 - √ 2

On a 360m circular runway, a and B start from a certain point in the opposite direction at the same time and meet each other in 2 minutes. It is like starting at the same time. It is known that a is faster than B, so how about the speed of a and B?

The results show that the sum of speed is 360 △ 2 = 180m, the difference of speed is 360 △ 10 = 36m, the first speed (180 + 36) △ 2 = 108m, the second speed (180-36) △ 2 = 72m

In the plane, the product of the distances from a moving point P to two fixed points a and B is equal to the square of half of the distance between the two fixed points

Where the midpoint of two points is taken as the origin, the line between two points is taken as the x-axis, the vertical line is taken as the y-axis, and the distance between two points is reduced to 2A: (X & sup2; + Y & sup2; + A & sup2; - 2aX) (X & sup2; + Y & sup2; + A & sup2; + 2aX) = a ^ 4 (ρ