Limx tends to infinity s in3x / x =? Equals 0?

Limx tends to infinity s in3x / x =? Equals 0?

Yes, when x tends to infinity, sin3x is a bounded quantity, and 1 / X tends to 0. 0 times the bounded quantity equals 0
By the way, I'll give you a function to play with: F (x) = (x ^ 2) sin (1 / x), what happens when x tends to 0, whether the derivative exists and whether it is continuous

Limx tends to infinity. What is (x + 1) sin1 / X equal to?

Find limx multiplied by sin1 / x =? X tends to infinity
Why is the answer 1? When x tends to infinity, shouldn't it be infinity

Let t = 1 / x, then the original formula = LIM (T - > 0) sin T / T = 1

The distance between a and B is 765km. The passenger cars and freight cars depart from each other at the same time. After 5 o'clock, the distance between the two cars is 115km. The speed ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 3:2

Answer: (765-115) △ 5x3 / 5 = 650 △ 5x3 / 5 = 130x3 / 5 = 78km / h answer: the speed of passenger cars is 78km / h. verify that the speed of passenger cars is 5278 + 52 = 130x5 = 650km / h and 650 + 115 = 765km / h

If 1 ∈ {a + 2, (a + 1) 2, A2 + 3A + 3}, then a=______ .

If (a + 1) 2 = 1, we can get a = - 2, or a = 0, if a = 0, the set is {2, 1, 3} meaningful, if a = - 2, the set is {1, 0, 1} meaningless, so a = 0 is desirable; if A2 + 3A + 3 = 1, we can get a = - 1, or a = - 2, neither of these two numbers can be combined into the set meaningful

Fill in the blanks: 2 / 3 of a is equal to 3 / 5 of B. A is ()% of B. what's the percentage of a?

2 / 3A = 3 / 5B
A = 9 / 10 b

How many natural numbers from 1 to 1000 contain 4 numbers?
Brother on the first floor, you don't understand the meaning of this question. When you answer, tell me the calculation process and formula. Big brother on the fourth floor, 400-500, including 4, has 100 numbers

There are 100 bits with 4
There are 100 out of ten with four
There are 100 with four in the hundred
There are 10 of them with both the tenth and the hundredth being 4
There are 10 of them with the number of individual and hundred being 4
There are 10 of them with both 10 and 4 digits
444 is counted three times, so 2 is subtracted
There are 10 + 10 + 10-2 repeats
So there are 300-29 = 271

A car from a city to B city, 3 hours 105 km. With the same speed and 1.2 hours to B city, a city to B city how many kilometers? With proportion and arithmetic solution

Set X km
(3 + 1.2) X105 △ 3 = 147km
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

In the pentagonal ABCDE, angle a + angle B = 240, angle c = angle d = angle e = 2, and the degree of angle B is calculated

Let ∠ B = X
Then, C = - D = - E = 2x
∵∠ a + ∠ B = 240 ° and the sum of internal angles of Pentagon is 540 °
So 6 ∠ B = 300 degree
There's a problem, isn't it more than 180 degrees if ∠ B = 50 degrees?

A factory needs to transport a pile of soil, 150 vehicles per day, which takes 24 days to complete. If it is completed within 20 days, how many vehicles per day? (answer in proportion)

Let's transport x cars every day, 20x = 150 × 24, 20x = 3600, & nbsp; X = 180; answer: Transport 180 cars every day