Without changing the value of the fraction 2x-5 / 2Y / 2 / 3x + y, the fraction after the coefficients in the fraction are changed into integers is___________

Without changing the value of the fraction 2x-5 / 2Y / 2 / 3x + y, the fraction after the coefficients in the fraction are changed into integers is___________

The denominator of [(2 / 3x) + y] / [2x - (5 / 2Y)] is multiplied by 3x
=(2 + 3xy) / [6x ^ 2 - (15x / 2Y)] and then multiply the numerator and denominator by 2Y
Equal to (4Y + 6xy ^ 2) of (12x ^ 2y-15x)

0.3x + 0.2y/0.4x-0.1y does not change the value of the fraction, and the coefficients of the numerator and denominator in the following fraction are changed into integers

(0.3x+0.2y)/(0.4x-0.1y )

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the coordinates of point a and point B are (0,5), (6,5), respectively. Find a point C on the coordinate axis so that △ ABC is an isosceles triangle, then the number of points c that meet the conditions is

Take AB as the base, make the vertical bisector of AB, intersect the X axis at one point. (ac2 = BC2) 2. Take AB as the waist, find a point in the negative direction of Y axis (AB = AC3) 3. Take AB as the waist, find a point in the positive direction of Y axis (AB = AC1)

How to calculate "(4x + 15) / (3x-8) = 5 / 2"


Given that the straight line y = kx-4 and the parabola y ^ 2 = 4x intersect at two points a and B, and the length of AB is three times the root sign 5, the value of K is obtained
This problem involves solving cubic equation of one variable in simultaneous equations, which is very complicated
We can understand how to solve the value of K

By substituting a straight line into a parabola and eliminating y, K & sup2; X & sup2; - 8kx + 16-4x = 0x = [4K + 2 ± 2 √ (4K + 1)] / K & sup2; | x1-x2 | = 4 √ (4K + 1) / K & sup2; ab & sup2; = (x1-x2) & sup2; + (y1-y2) & sup2; = (x1-x2) & sup2; (1 + K & sup2;) = > 16 (4K + 1) (1 + K & sup2;) = 45k ^ 4 = > k = 2, or, 4

The combination of the problem of itinerary, the problem of encounter and the problem of pursuit
Party A and Party B start from two places at the same time. If they go in opposite directions, they will meet in hour A. if they go in the same direction, they will catch up with Party B in hour B. how many times faster is Party A than Party B?
(I haven't learned the quadratic equation of two variables)


In the plane, the distance from the moving point P to the point F (1,0) is equal to the distance from it to the straight line x = 1. Note that the trajectory of the point P is a curve T, and find the equation of the curve t

If it is x = 1, the curve track should be x-axis, that is y = 0. But I think you missed a negative sign, and it should be x = - 1. At this time, the track should be a parabola, and the square of X is equal to 2Y

Factorization of quadratic trinomials,
Some people say: "the quadratic equation AX ^ 2 + BX + C = 0 (a ≠ 0), when a and C are different signs, it can be judged that the equation must have two unequal real roots without calculating the value of B ^ 2-4ac." do you think this statement is correct? Why?

Because - 4ac is always greater than 0
So B ^ 2-4ac is always greater than 0
So there must be two unequal real roots

How old is the national day of 2012

Since new China was founded on October 1, 1949, let's calculate: 2012-1949 = 63 (years old)
So in 2012, our motherland is 63 years old

If a container is filled with water, the total mass is 88g. If the container is filled with 10g sand and then filled with water, the total mass is 94g, the density of sand is calculated

When loading sand and stone, the quality of drained water is: m water  M1 + m sand-m2 = 88g + 10g-94g = 4G; the volume of sand and stone is: v = V water = m water, ρ water = 4g1g / cm3 = 4cm3; the density of sand and stone is: ρ sand = m sand, v = 10g4cm3 = 2.5 & nbsp; g / cm3; a: the density of sand is 2.5 & nbsp; g / cm3