What is the quotient and remainder of 695 divided by 16? The more accurate the answer will be!

What is the quotient and remainder of 695 divided by 16? The more accurate the answer will be!

695 / 16 = 43,7

Find the general solution of the differential equation y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = xex + sin2x

Since the characteristic equation is λ 2 + λ - 2 = 0, the solution is characterized by λ 1 = - 2, λ 2 = 1, and the general solution of 〈 y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = 0 is y = c1e-2x + c2ex. Let y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = xex & nbsp; (*) y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = sin2x & nbsp; (* *) since f (x) = xex and λ = 1 of (*) are characteristic roots, let the special solution of (*) be Y1 (x) = (AX2 + BX) ex, substitute (*) to get a = 16, B = − 19, and Y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = sin2x to get y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = 12 (1 − cos2x). Obviously, y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = 12, there is a special solution y = − 14. For y ″ + y ′ - 2Y = − 12cos2x, the special solution is Y2 (x) = acos2x + BS Then Y2 (x) = 14 + 340cos2x − 140sin2x, so the general solution of the original equation is y = C1E − 2x + c2ex + (16x2 − x9) ex + (− 14 + 340cos2x − 140sin2x)

The bottom area is indicated in English letters

All ground areas are expressed in S

In 123456789 equals 99, how to fill in the sign to make the formula true


Equation of circle and circle, space linear coordinate system
If the circle centered on point P (- 3,1) is separated from the straight line 2x + Y-5 = 0, what is the radius of the circle r?

First, find the distance from the point P (- 3,1) to the straight line: D = │ axo + BYO + C │ / √ (A & # 178; + B & # 178;) = │ 2 × (- 3) + 1 × 1-5
Therefore, 0 < R < 2 √ 5

It is known that the asymptote of hyperbola C is 4x ± 3Y = 0, and a Quasilinear is y = 16 / 15

Asymptote y = ± (4 / 3) x
So B / a = 4 / 3
Guide line y = 16 / 15
Then the focus is on the Y-axis and a ^ 2 / C = 16 / 15
So 25A ^ 2 / 9 = C ^ 2
So (9C ^ 2 / 25) / C = 16 / 15
So 729y ^ 2 / 4096-81x ^ 2 / 256 = 1

Where is the sign bit of the original code of negative number added?
For example, the original code of - 18 is 10010
The original code of - 347 is 1000 0001 0101 1011
How to add 1 of sign bit?

If you add it to the first digit, the first digit is 1, which is a negative number, and 0 is a positive number

If the function f (x) = logax (where a > 0 and a ≠ 1) always holds | f (x) | 1 on X ∈ [2, + ∞), the value range of a is obtained

(1) If a > 1, X ≥ 2, logax > 0, from | f (x) | 1 to get f (x) > 1, that is, logax > 1 is tenable. If x > A is tenable, that is, 1 < a < 2. (2) if 0 < a < 1, X ≥ 2, logax < 0, from | f (x) | 1 to get f (x) < - 1

Using C # to make the square of formula B minus 4ac, it is necessary to get three kinds of cases where the equation has one real root equation, two different real root equations and no real root equation

Square of B minus 4ac

Use the plus sign, minus sign, multiply sign and bracket to make the result 21

(1) 7*[12+(-9)]=21
(2) (1.2-1)*7*15=21