Solving inequality (X & # 178; - 2 (x) - 2) ≥ 1 and (2x + 1) - (X-2) < 4 brackets is the process of finding absolute value

Solving inequality (X & # 178; - 2 (x) - 2) ≥ 1 and (2x + 1) - (X-2) < 4 brackets is the process of finding absolute value

In this paper, let t = |x |x 124;x 124; x | x | | x \| | \\178; - 2 124;x 124\124; \\| -2 \\-2 \\\\\| \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ift ≥ 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 + √ 2, or t ≥ 3, (1 + √ 2) ≤ x ≤ 1 + √ 2

Use the square difference formula to calculate: (1), (1-2X Square) - (2x Square-1) (2), (2-1) (2 + 1) (2 square + 1) (the fourth power of 2 + 1)
First simplify, then evaluate: X (x + 1) - (x + 1) (x-1), where x = 2013

(1) (1-2x²)-(2x²-1)=1-2x²-2x²+1=-4x² (2) (2-1)(2+1)(2²+1)(x⁴+1)=(2²-1)(2²+1)(x⁴+1)=(x⁴-1)(x⁴+1)=x¹⁶-1(3) x(x+1)-(x+1)(x-1)=x&...

If the integer part of the root a is 4, then the value range of a is 0


12.6 cubic meters = () cubic meters () cubic decimeters

12.6 cubic meters = (12) cubic meters (600) cubic decimeters

The distance between the two places is 480 km. The passenger cars and freight cars run from each other at the same time. Four hours later, the two cars are still 80 km apart. It is known that the freight cars run 53 km per hour. How many km per hour do the passenger cars run?

(480-80) △ 4-53 = 400 △ 4-53 = 100-53 = 47 (km) a: passenger cars are 47 km per hour

What is the density of Melaleuca stone? (national standard)

I checked it for you
Melaleuca: also known as sedimentary rock, belongs to marine sedimentary crystalline dolomite
Dolomite: it is the main mineral composition of dolomite and dolomitic limestone
The density of dolomite is 2.86g/cm ^ 3 ~ 3.20g/cm ^ 3
Hope to help you!

When x takes what value, the value of the algebraic formula 5x + 46 is not less than 78 − 1 − X3

According to the meaning of the question: 5x + 46 ≥ 78-1 − X3, remove the denominator: 20x + 16 ≥ 21-8 + 8x, transfer and merge: 12x ≥ - 3, solution: X ≥ - 14

Three identical cylinders are connected to form a large cylinder, 9 cm long and 12.56 square decimeters less in surface area?

12.56 / 4 × (9 / 3) = 3.14 × 3, = 9.42 (cubic centimeter); answer: the original volume of each cylinder is 9.42 cubic centimeter

It is known that a / 4 / 5 = B / 2 = C × 4 / 5 = D × 100%, and a.b.c.d is not equal to 0. The four numbers of a.b.c.d are arranged in the order from large to small

So b > C > d > a

If the center of the square is m (- 1,0), the equation of the line where one side is located is x + 3y-5 = 0, and the equation of the line where the other three sides are located is obtained

The distance from m to the straight line x + 3y-5 = 0 is | - 1 + 0 − 5 | 10 = 3105, so the distance from m to the other three sides is also 3105. If x + 3y-5 = 0 is set as x + 3Y + a = 0, then | - 1 + 0 + a | 10 = 3105, that is | - 1 | = 6A = - 5, a = 7 & nbsp; & nbsp; a = - 5 is known, then x + 3Y + 7 = 0 and the other two are perpendicular to them, so the slope is