Appreciation of dude's last lesson Take Mr. Hamel as the first person, rewrite the text from class to class

Appreciation of dude's last lesson Take Mr. Hamel as the first person, rewrite the text from class to class

The last lesson describes a rural primary school in Alsace, which was ceded to Prussia after the Franco Prussian War, and the last French lesson to bid farewell to the language of the motherland. Through the self narration of a childish and ignorant pupil, it vividly shows the suffering of the French people under foreign rule and their love for their motherland, Mr. Hamel, a teacher, is a typical patriotic intellectual with vivid images. It has been translated into the languages of various countries in the world, and is often selected as the Chinese textbook for primary and secondary school students. There are also translations in China. The novel is set in the event of Prussia's forcible annexation of Alsace and Lorraine after its victory over France, Through what a primary school student saw, heard and felt in his last French class, the deep patriotic feelings of the French people can be deeply expressed. After 70 years, when the iron hooves of the German invaders trampled on the beautiful French territory again in the Second World War, facing the scene of deja vu, people can not but feel the samsara of history and the ruthlessness of the war
Key points and difficulties:
1. Love the thoughts and feelings of the motherland
2. The elements of the novel
3. The function of language description, action description and psychological description
[learning process]
1、 Background:
The last lesson was written in the second year of the Franco Prussian War (1873). The Franco Prussian War was the war between France and Prussia from 1870 to 1871. In July 1870, France first declared war on Prussia. This predatory war, as Marx pointed out at that time, sounded the "death bell of the Second Empire". In September, at the battle of setang, the French army was defeated, Napoleon was captured for the third time, and the Prussian army marched in, It occupied more than one third of the land of France, such as Alsace and Lorraine. At this time, it had become a war of self-defense for France. In the face of the slaughter and plunder of the Prussian army, the French people shared a common hatred and fought against the enemy. This short story focuses on the forced conversion of a primary school in occupied Alsace to German, It portrays the typical images of little Francois and Hamel, reflecting the deep patriotic feelings of the French people
2、 About the author:
Alfonso dude (1840-1897) is a French novelist in the second half of the 19th century. He wrote 12 novels, one play and four collections of short stories in his life. Many of his short stories are based on the war between France and France, which vividly describes the common people's patriotic spirit of common hatred against the aggressors and condemns the bourgeois authorities for opening the door to steal, The last lesson is one of dude's representative short stories of patriotism
3、 Introduction to novel style:
1. Literary genre: novel is one of the basic literary forms juxtaposed with poetry, prose and drama
2. The concept of novel: the novel focuses on portraying the characters, and reflects the social life through the complete plot and the specific description of the environment
3. The three elements of the novel: character, plot and environment
4. Plot: plot is a series of organized life events, divided into: beginning, development, climax and ending
5. Methods of characterization: description of appearance, description of language, description of manner, description of psychology and description of action
6. Types and functions of environment: natural environment and social environment
7. Novel classification: according to the length: long, medium, short and short stories (Mini Novels)
4、 Text analysis:
(1) After reading the whole story, briefly tell the characters and the main plot of the novel
Clear: the characters in this novel include: Mr. Hamel, little Franz, the "people in the town" represented by Hauser, and Prussian soldiers. Among them, Mr. Hamel is the main character, and little Franz is the important person who plays the role of "leading the needle" in the whole novel
Clear: from the plot point of view: this novel can be divided into three parts: before class, in class, after class. It can also be divided into four parts: on the way to school, before class, after class, and announcing to leave school
(2) What's the difference between the last lesson and the usual one?
to make clear:
Class on weekdays
Last lesson
When the atmosphere begins, there is always a noise, which can be heard even in the street
It's quiet, just like Sunday morning
Before class, students open and close their desks. They are afraid of shouting
They are all in their seats before class
The teacher took the iron ruler and knocked on the table, "be quiet, be quiet..." He walked up and down with the iron ruler under his arm
Usually "I" will be scolded by the teacher for being late
I was late today, but the teacher gently called "I" and "sit down quickly",
Teachers usually wear ordinary clothes
Today, the teacher is wearing a beautiful dress only on the day when the inspector comes to inspect or award
back row
The bench is always empty
There were many people in the town, who were as quiet as we were
Everyone looked very sad
(3) What is the use of environmental description in this article? What is its function?
Clear: there are such descriptions in paragraphs 1-6 of the text
"It's so warm and sunny! Thrushes are singing in the woods; Prussian soldiers are practicing in the grass behind the sawmill." "in the last two years, all our bad news has come from there: defeat, conscription, orders from the headquarters."
The functions of these descriptions are as follows:
① Write the scene on the way to school, explain the background of the story
② Prussian soldiers training and two years of bad news, which subtly implies the background of the times
③ Many people watch the new notice, but what happened is not written directly, which makes the readers suspense and attracts them to read on
(4) What parts of the text can be divided according to the plot?
Clear: the novel takes "my" experience as the clue, and arranges the plot in the order of going to school, going to class and going to school. It is divided into four parts
The first part: (1-6) the beginning of the story
Write about what little Franz saw, heard and felt on his way to school
Part two: (7-23) the development of the story
Write about Mr. Hamel's last lesson and little Franz's transformation
The third part: (24-29) the climax and ending of the story
Mr. Hamel announced the end of "the last lesson"
(5) In the last lesson, what's the change of his thoughts and feelings? Find out the sentences describing his psychological changes
It is clear that the change of little Fraser is obvious in the whole text
From the naive playful, do not love learning children - love French;
From carefree childishness to loving the motherland;
Never sensible, afraid of teachers - nostalgia, understanding, sympathy, respect for teachers
Little Franz's mood changes:
Happiness - indignation - Sadness - regret - love for the language of the motherland - love for teachers
As a Frenchman, Hamel couldn't teach French. It was sad that he was driven away. Little Franz deeply respected his teacher, but also mixed with common experiences, mutual sympathy and other complex feelings
(6) What is Mr. Hamel like?
Clear: Mr. Hamel is an ordinary rural primary school teacher who loves his country, his language and his work
(7) What are the description methods used to depict the characters in the novel? What psychological activities and personality characteristics can be reflected at that time?
Clear: the author is good at expressing the characters' thoughts and feelings and revealing their inner world through language, action, expression and psychological description
The depiction of Hamel is mainly through language, action and expression
1. Language:
Mr. Hamel had already sat down in his chair and said to us softly and seriously, as he had just said to me, "my children, this is the last time I will give you a lesson. Berlin has ordered that the schools in Alsace and Lorraine only teach German. The new teacher will arrive tomorrow. Today is your last French lesson. I hope you will study hard..."
I heard Mr. Hamel say to me, "I don't blame you either, little Franz. You must feel bad enough yourself. That's it. Everyone thinks like this every day:" forget it, there's plenty of time. It's not too late to learn tomorrow. \ "now look at our results. Alas, we have to put off learning until tomorrow, This is the greatest misfortune of the Alsatians. Now those guys have reason to say to us: "why? You still say you are French, you can't speak or write your own language!" \'but poor little Franz, it's not your fault. We all have a lot to blame ourselves for.'
"Your parents don't care enough about your study. In order to earn more money, they would rather ask you to leave your books in the field and go to work in the cotton mill. Don't I blame myself? Don't I often ask you to leave your homework and water the flowers for me? When I go fishing, don't I just give you a day off?"
"My friends," he said, "I -- I --"
But he choked and couldn't go on
Clear: through what Mr. Wang said in the "last lesson", the novel shows his love for the motherland, the language of the motherland and his work, his deep love and infinite hope for the children of the motherland, and his deep sorrow and painful thoughts and feelings for the occupied land
2. Action and manner:
He turned to the blackboard, picked up a piece of chalk, used all his strength, and wrote two big words:
Then he stayed there, his head against the wall, without saying a word, just gestured to us
…… I saw Mr. Hamel sitting in his chair, motionless, staring at the things around him, as if he was going to take all the things out of the little classroom in his eyes
Clear: the novel deeply reveals the character's inner feelings of excitement, pain, attachment and indignation, and shows his lofty patriotism
A clear analysis method of characters in Novels: reading description -- analyzing images -- uncovering roots
(8) Understand the profound meaning of key sentences
1. Why do you say "it's the greatest misfortune of Alsatians to always put off learning until tomorrow"?
2. The people who have died and become slaves, as long as they firmly remember their language, are like holding a key to open the prison gate?
3. Why is it so easy for little Franz to understand everything today?
to make clear:
1. Tomorrow is never over, the result is that even the language of the motherland can not speak, but has lost the right to learn the language of the motherland
2. If we remember the language of our motherland, we will never forget our motherland. We will inspire our patriotism and the will to fight against the enemy. We will never forget to restore our territory and strive for freedom. Therefore, we seem to have a key to open the prison gate
3. Little Franz was strongly patriotic and studied hard. He wanted to learn all his native languages well
(9) Taste the language
1. Read verse 24-29. Questions: what does the word "suddenly" in the text explain here? 2. What do the two dashes "I-I -" in the text mean? How to read them? 3. How to understand the two big words "exert all your strength" and "long live France"? What are the meanings of these two words?
to make clear:
① It shows that you feel that the last class has passed