The interpretation of the poems in the song of a wanderer The meaning of poetry

The interpretation of the poems in the song of a wanderer The meaning of poetry

The loving mother flies a needle to make clothes for her son, who is going to travel far away. The stitches are tight, and she is worried that the child will not come back for many years. Children like grass do their best to repay the great maternal love like Chunhui!

On the translation of the ancient poem youziyin
Translation of the song of wanderers

Meng Jiao, a poet of the middle Tang Dynasty, is a close friend of Han Yu. He was admitted to the imperial examination at the age of 50 and devoted himself to the creation of poetry all his life, On the one hand, we are worried that he will not know when and when he will come back to get together. Mother's kindness and concern can't be rewarded by our little heart. Appreciation: this wandering chant expresses the greatness of mother's love through the feeling of gratitude. God can't take care of everyone, so it creates mother. Mother cares for her children and takes care of them, It's totally out of nature, without reservation or complaint. It's just like the loving mother of a wanderer who melts her love and expectation into a thread. It makes people read like a warm current through their heart. As long as we realize this artistic conception and put our gratitude into action, we will not waste the poet's painstaking efforts