A ladder is 25m long, leaning against a wall. The low end of the ladder is 7m away from the wall. How high is the top of the ladder from the ground?

A ladder is 25m long, leaning against a wall. The low end of the ladder is 7m away from the wall. How high is the top of the ladder from the ground?

Distance from top of ladder to ground = under root sign (25 ^ 2-7 ^ 2) = 24m or

A ladder is 25 meters long, leaning against a wall. The bottom of the ladder is 7 meters away from the wall. (1) how high is the top of the ladder from the ground? (2) If the top of the ladder slides 4 meters to a ', how many meters does the bottom of the ladder slide horizontally?

(1) A: the top of the ladder is 24 meters away from the ground. (b) if BA ′ = 20 meters, BC ′ = 252 − 202 = 15 meters, then CC ′ = 15-7 = 8 meters. A: the bottom of the ladder slides 8 meters horizontally

4. A ladder is 25 meters long, as shown in the picture, leaning against a wall, and the bottom of the ladder is 7 meters away from the wall
(1) How high is the top of this ladder from the ground?
(2) If the top of the ladder falls 4 meters, how many meters does the bottom of the ladder slide horizontally?

(1) Height ^ 2 = 25 * 25-7 * 7 = 576
Height = root 576 = 24m
The top of the ladder is 24 meters above the ground
(2) At this time, the height is 20 meters,
Distance from the lower end to the wall = root (25 * 25-20 * 20) = 15m
Square distance passed = 15-7 = 8M
The bottom of the ladder slid 8 meters horizontally

Factorization. Ax & # 178; + 2axy + ay & # 178; fast


Factorization: M & # 178; - 4N & # 178; + 2m-4n X & # 178; - 2XY + Y & # 178; + ax ay


Factorization of (AX + by) & #178; + (ay BX) & #178; + 2 (AX + by) (ay BX)

Hello, this question is actually very simple
Let m = (AX + by), n = (ay BX), then the original formula = M & # 178; + n & # 178; + 2Mn, that is, (AX + by + ay BX) &# 178;
Hope to help you... Please adopt

(AX + by) & #178; + (ay BX) & #178; + 2 (AX + by) (ay BX) a (AB + BC + AC) - ABC use the factorization method


Solve the equation x & # 178; - (3m-1) + 2m & # 178; - M = 0 with respect to X

X = m or x = 2m-1

It is known that the univariate quadratic equation MX & # 178; - (2m-1) x + (m-2) = 0 (M > 0)
If the two real roots of this equation are respectively X &;, X &;, and (X &; - 3) (X &; - 3) = 5m, find the value of M

1 -1
5 1
m=1 m=-1/5
∴m=1 m=-1/5

If α and β are two of the equations X & # 178; + (2m-1) x + 4 = 0, and α < 2 < β, the value range of M is obtained

X & # 178; + (2m-1) x + 4 opening upward
Two roots on both sides of x = 2
We can see by drawing