The sides of △ ABC are all integers, and the maximum side is 7. How many triangles are there?

The sides of △ ABC are all integers, and the maximum side is 7. How many triangles are there?

one hundred and seventy-seven
two hundred and sixty-seven
two hundred and seventy-seven
three hundred and fifty-seven
three hundred and sixty-seven
three hundred and seventy-seven
four hundred and forty-seven
four hundred and fifty-seven
four hundred and sixty-seven
four hundred and seventy-seven
five hundred and fifty-seven
five hundred and sixty-seven
five hundred and seventy-seven
six hundred and sixty-seven
six hundred and seventy-seven
seven hundred and seventy-seven
16 in all

The lengths of the sides of triangle ABC are all integers and are not equal. If the length of the largest side is 7, how many triangles are there

Let the other two be a and B, A7

If the sides of △ ABC are all integers and the length of the largest side is 7, then such triangles have the same length______ One

Let the other two sides be x, y, then x ≤ 7, y ≤ 7, and X + Y > 7, and X, y are all integers. Let x ≤ y, the values of X, y satisfying the above conditions are: 1, 7; 2, 6; 3, 5; 4, 4; 6, 3; 2, 7; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, 5; 7, 3; 4, 7; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, 6, 7; 7, 7