There are 10 known data x1, X2 The average number of x 10 is 4, and the sum of the squares of these 10 numbers is 200

There are 10 known data x1, X2 The average number of x 10 is 4, and the sum of the squares of these 10 numbers is 200

∵x1+x2+… +x10=40,x21+x22+… +x210=200∴S2=110[(x1-4)2+(x2-4)2+… +(x10-4)2]=110[(x21+x22+… +x210)-8(x1+x2+… +x10)+160]=110[200-320+160]=4.

If the sum of squares of five data is 845 and the average is 5, what is the variance of this group of data

Where x is five of them, and X is the average of them

Some books say that the formula of sample variance is: sum the square of the difference between random variables and sample mean, and then divide by N; some books say that sum the square of the difference between random variables and sample mean, and then divide by n-1; which of these two formulas is right, and what's the difference between them?

Divided by N is biased sample variance, divided by N - 1 is unbiased sample variance
When n is large and N is 30, there is no difference between the two sample variances, so both can be used. But if n is small, about 15 or 20, then unbiased sample variance must be used. Divide n-1 by n-1