The second power of (- y) is multiplied by the fourth power of (2y-x)

The second power of (- y) is multiplied by the fourth power of (2y-x)

The fourth power of (2y-x) is the fourth power of (2y-x) and the fourth power of (2y-x) of (2y-x) is the fourth power of (2y-x) of (2y-x) and (2y-x) (2y-x) and (2y-x) is the fourth power of (2y-x) \\\\\\\\\\\\\178; (2y-x) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\; - 4xy + X & # 178;) + X & # 178; (4Y & # 178; - 4xy + X &

What is the second power of (x-2y) multiplied by the third power of (2y-x) + (x-2y) multiplied by the fourth power of (2y-x)
