If the denominator of the simplest fraction contains only the prime factor (), it can be reduced to a finite decimal. If it contains not only the prime factor () but also the prime factor (), it cannot be reduced to a finite decimal Limited decimal

If the denominator of the simplest fraction contains only the prime factor (), it can be reduced to a finite decimal. If it contains not only the prime factor () but also the prime factor (), it cannot be reduced to a finite decimal Limited decimal

If the denominator of a simplest fraction contains only prime factors (2 and 5), it can be reduced to a finite number. If it contains (other) prime factors besides (2 and 5), it cannot be reduced to a number

1. If the denominator of a fraction contains prime factors 2 and 5, the fraction can be reduced to a decimal
(3) the number of girls is 5 / 11 of the class. The number of girls is 5 / 6 of the boys. (4) because the reciprocal of 1 / 2 is 2, the reciprocal of a number must be greater than this number

1. If the denominator of a fraction contains prime factors 2 and 5, the fraction can be converted into a decimal. (wrong) if the denominator of a fraction contains only 2 and 5, the fraction can be converted into a decimal. (wrong) if a number is divided by a fraction, the quotient must be greater than this number